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Благословенный Свиток: Зачаровать Оружие (S)

Благословенный Свиток: Зачаровать Оружие (S)
Благословенный Свиток: Зачаровать Оружие (S)
Вес :120
Increases the P.Atk of a S grade weapons such as sword/one-handed, blunt/one handed, dagger, spear and etc. type by 5. The P.Atk of sword/two-handed, blunt/two-handed, dual swords, and fists type will increase by 6 and bow type by 10. The M.Atk of all weapons will increase by 4. From +4, the added bonuses for P.Atk/M.Atk are double the above value. When fail on enchanting, item does not get crystallized but it's enchant value will return to 0.
Краткая информация
  • Item ID: 6577
  • Англ. название: Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade S)
  • Базовая цена: 30 000 000
70HP Increase (1x)0.1783%1
75HP Increase (1x)0.1954%1
69HP Increase (1x)0.1747%1
78HP Increase (1x)0.2057%1
70HP Increase (1x)0.1783%1
74HP Increase (1x)0.4478%1
73HP Increase (1x)0.1885%1
72HP Increase (1x)0.1851%1
75HP Increase (1x)0.1954%1
78HP Increase (1x)0.4799%1
70HP Increase (1x)0.1783%1
75HP Increase (1x)0.1954%1
70HP Increase (1x)0.1783%1
75HP Increase (1x)0.1954%1
80HP Increase (1x)0.3491%1
78HP Increase (1x)0.4799%1
87HP Increase (1x)0.2537%1
80HP Increase (1x)0.2721%1
84HP Increase (1x)0.1307%1
87HP Increase (1x)0.2537%1
68HP Increase (1x)0.2293%1
81HP Increase (1x)0.1886%1
81HP Increase (1x)0.09429%1
71HP Increase (1x)0.232%1
79HP Increase (1x)0.2441%1
70HP Increase (1x)0.1783%1
73HP Increase (1x)0.1885%1
80HP Increase (1x)0.5335%1
80HP Increase (1x)0.3046%1
80HP Increase (1x)0.5499%1
80HP Increase (1x)0.4124%1