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Физ. Защ.:32
Вес :1220
Краткая информация
  • Item ID: 2433
  • Англ. название: Boots of Seal
  • Базовая цена: 126 000
  • Кристалл: C-Ранг count: 50
Калькулятор Кристаллов
Цена предмета:
Цена 1 Кристалл: C-Ранг:
ПредметФиз. Защита.КристаллыШанс
Icon Item Boots of Seal
Boots of Seal
3250 / 0100%
Icon Item Boots of Seal
Boots of Seal
3356 / 0100%
Icon Item Boots of Seal
Boots of Seal
3462 / 0100%
Icon Item Boots of Seal
Boots of Seal
3568 / 0100%
Icon Item Boots of Seal
Boots of Seal
3886 / 6166.67%
Icon Item Boots of Seal
Boots of Seal
41104 / 7933.33%
Icon Item Boots of Seal
Boots of Seal
44122 / 9725%
Icon Item Boots of Seal
Boots of Seal
47140 / 11520%
Icon Item Boots of Seal
Boots of Seal
50158 / 13316.67%
Icon Item Boots of Seal
Boots of Seal
53176 / 15114.29%
Icon Item Boots of Seal
Boots of Seal
56194 / 16912.5%
Icon Item Boots of Seal
Boots of Seal
59212 / 18711.11%
Icon Item Boots of Seal
Boots of Seal
62230 / 20510%
Icon Item Boots of Seal
Boots of Seal
65248 / 2239.09%
Icon Item Boots of Seal
Boots of Seal
68266 / 2418.33%
Icon Item Boots of Seal
Boots of Seal
71284 / 2597.69%
Icon Item Boots of Seal
Boots of Seal
74302 / 2773.57%
Icon Item Boots of Seal
Boots of Seal
77320 / 2953.33%
Icon Item Boots of Seal
Boots of Seal
80338 / 3133.13%
Icon Item Boots of Seal
Boots of Seal
83356 / 3312.94%
Icon Item Boots of Seal
Boots of Seal
86374 / 3492.78%