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Камень Серьги Защиты

Камень Серьги Защиты
Камень Серьги Защиты
Вес :60
A key material that Dwarves use to make the Earring of Protection. Can be sold in any shop.
Краткая информация
  • Item ID: 1911
  • Англ. название: Earring of Protection Gemstone
  • Базовая цена: 2 689
47HP Increase (2x)13.14%1
47HP Increase (1x)7.949%1
47HP Increase (2x)16.62%1
48HP Increase (1x)8.928%1
48HP Increase (1x)9.876%1
48HP Increase (2x)23.44%1
47HP Increase (1x)12.71%1
47HP Increase (2x)12.2%1
48HP Increase (1x)7.559%1
47HP Increase (1/2x)4.949%1
48HP Increase (2x)20.91%1
49HP Increase (2x)14.51%1
49HP Increase (2x)23.23%1
49HP Increase (4x)27.22%1
48HP Increase (4x)28.24%1
47HP Increase (4x)23.71%1
47HP Increase (4x)23.71%1
47HP Increase (4x)25.81%1
48HP Increase (1x)10.16%1
48HP Increase (1x)14.39%1
48HP Increase (1x)10.76%1
49HP Increase (1/2x)3.866%1
47HP Increase (1x)7.573%1