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Клинок Большого Меча

Клинок Большого Меча
Клинок Большого Меча
Вес :60
Main ingredient definitely required for a Dwarf to Great Sword. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
Краткая информация
  • Item ID: 4104
  • Англ. название: Great Sword Blade
  • Базовая цена: 34 950
57HP Increase (1x)0.04582%1
61HP Increase (3x)0.1237%1
58HP Increase (2x)0.07762%1
60HP Increase (2x)0.07836%1
61HP Increase (3x)0.1371%1
56HP Increase (1/2x)0.03502%1
59HP Increase (1x)0.05471%1
58HP Increase (1x)0.06568%1
60HP Increase (2x)0.1405%1
60HP Increase (3x)0.118%1
57HP Increase (4x)0.134%1
60HP Increase (1x)0.07018%1
60HP Increase (1x)0.08363%1
57HP Increase (1x)0.03723%1
59HP Increase (1/2x)0.04851%1
57HP Increase (8x)0.2431%1
52HP Increase (1x)18.53%5 - 15
55HP Increase (1x)10.85%5 - 15
50HP Increase (1x)17.52%5 - 15
72HP Increase (1x)3.262%46 - 136
55HP Increase (1x)10.85%5 - 15
55HP Increase (1x)10.85%5 - 15
52HP Increase (1x)9.948%5 - 15