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Цепочка Ожерелья Оков

Цепочка Ожерелья Оков
Цепочка Ожерелья Оков
Вес :60
A key material that dwarves use to make the Necklace of Binding. Can be sold in the shop.
Краткая информация
  • Item ID: 1920
  • Англ. название: Necklace of Binding Chain
  • Базовая цена: 5 845
55HP Increase (2x)13.16%1
64HP Increase (2x)14.44%1
54HP Increase (1x)5.788%1
53HP Increase (1/2x)3.465%1
53HP Increase (2x)15.21%1
58HP Increase (1x)7.274%1
53HP Increase (4x)13.97%1
54HP Increase (4x)18.05%1
54HP Increase (4x)18.05%1
55HP Increase (4x)15.91%1
53HP Increase (3x)12.16%1
53HP Increase (2x)11.23%1
53HP Increase (2x)11.23%1
53HP Increase (2x)11.23%1
53HP Increase (2x)11.23%1
53HP Increase (2x)11.23%1
53HP Increase (2x)11.23%1
53HP Increase (2x)11.23%1
53HP Increase (2x)11.23%1