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Рецепт: Заряд Души: S-Ранг

Рецепт: Заряд Души: S-Ранг
Рецепт: Заряд Души: S-Ранг
Вес :30
For Dwarves only. The recipe for a soulshot-Grade S. Requires Create Item - Skill Level 8. The success rate is 100%.
Краткая информация
  • Item ID: 1808
  • Англ. название: Recipe: Soulshot: S Grade
  • Базовая цена: 450 000
75HP Increase (4x)0.3715%1
77HP Increase (2x)0.2885%1
81HP Increase (2x)0.3114%1
80HP Increase (2x)0.3202%1
78HP Increase (5x)0.5353%1
79HP Increase (5x)0.5625%1
82HP Increase (6x)0.8647%1
79HP Increase (5x)0.6211%1
81HP Increase (5x)0.7556%1
81HP Increase (5x)0.581%1
80HP Increase (6x)0.9332%1
75HP Increase (6x)0.6911%1
80HP Increase (6x)0.7632%1
78HP Increase (1x)0.0924%1
75HP Increase (4x)0.3317%1
78HP Increase (4x)0.382%1
78HP Increase (4x)0.4113%1
78HP Increase (4x)0.3499%1