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Клинок Дамаскуса

Клинок Дамаскуса
Клинок Дамаскуса
Вес :60
Main ingredient definitely required for a Dwarf to make Sword of Damascus. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
Краткая информация
  • Item ID: 4114
  • Англ. название: Sword of Damascus Blade
  • Базовая цена: 45 692
65HP Increase (4x)0.1494%1
64HP Increase (1x)0.04444%1
64HP Increase (2x)0.1104%1
65HP Increase (4x)0.1432%1
65HP Increase (1/4x)0.01107%1
64HP Increase (1x)0.0449%1
62HP Increase (1x)0.06561%1
66HP Increase (1x)0.0682%1
63HP Increase (1x)0.07329%1
64HP Increase (1x)0.06531%1
63HP Increase (3x)0.3023%1
65HP Increase (6x)0.7213%1
67HP Increase (4x)0.195%1
63HP Increase (1x)0.04268%1
65HP Increase (1x)9.271%5 - 15
67HP Increase (1x)9.271%5 - 15
60HP Increase (1x)9.512%5 - 15
58HP Increase (1x)31.58%1 - 3