Chant of Battle
Chant of Battle
Temporarily increases party member's attack power. Effect 1.
Type: Active
Краткая информация
- Skill ID: 1007
- Skill Level: 1
- Англ. название: Chant of Battle
- Type: A2
- MP Consume: 60
- HP Consume: 0
Название | МП/ХП | Шанс | |
Chant of Battle + 1 cost Temporarily increases party members' P. Atk. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one's skill is decreased. Effect 3. | 150/0 | Level: Chance: 76 82% 77 92% 78 97% 79 99% 80 100% | |
Chant of Battle + 2 cost Temporarily increases party members' P. Atk. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one's skill is decreased. Effect 3. | 147/0 | Level: Chance: 76 80% 77 90% 78 95% 79 99% 80 100% | |
Chant of Battle + 3 cost Temporarily increases party members' P. Atk. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one's skill is decreased. Effect 3. | 145/0 | Level: Chance: 76 78% 77 88% 78 93% 79 99% 80 100% | |
Chant of Battle + 4 cost Temporarily increases party members' P. Atk. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one's skill is decreased. Effect 3. | 142/0 | Level: Chance: 76 40% 77 82% 78 92% 79 97% 80 99% | |
Chant of Battle + 5 cost Temporarily increases party members' P. Atk. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one's skill is decreased. Effect 3. | 140/0 | Level: Chance: 76 30% 77 80% 78 90% 79 95% 80 99% | |
Chant of Battle + 6 cost Temporarily increases party members' P. Atk. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one's skill is decreased. Effect 3. | 137/0 | Level: Chance: 76 20% 77 78% 78 88% 79 93% 80 99% | |
Chant of Battle + 7 cost Temporarily increases party members' P. Atk. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one's skill is decreased. Effect 3. | 135/0 | Level: Chance: 76 14% 77 40% 78 82% 79 92% 80 97% | |
Chant of Battle + 8 cost Temporarily increases party members' P. Atk. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one's skill is decreased. Effect 3. | 132/0 | Level: Chance: 76 10% 77 30% 78 80% 79 90% 80 95% | |
Chant of Battle + 9 cost Temporarily increases party members' P. Atk. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one's skill is decreased. Effect 3. | 130/0 | Level: Chance: 76 6% 77 20% 78 78% 79 88% 80 93% | |
Chant of Battle + 10 cost Temporarily increases party members' P. Atk. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one's skill is decreased. Effect 3. | 127/0 | Level: Chance: 76 2% 77 14% 78 40% 79 82% 80 92% | |
Chant of Battle + 11 cost Temporarily increases party members' P. Atk. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one's skill is decreased. Effect 3. | 125/0 | Level: Chance: 76 2% 77 10% 78 30% 79 80% 80 90% | |
Chant of Battle + 12 cost Temporarily increases party members' P. Atk. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one's skill is decreased. Effect 3. | 122/0 | Level: Chance: 76 2% 77 6% 78 20% 79 78% 80 88% | |
Chant of Battle + 13 cost Temporarily increases party members' P. Atk. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one's skill is decreased. Effect 3. | 120/0 | Level: Chance: 76 1% 77 2% 78 14% 79 40% 80 82% | |
Chant of Battle + 14 cost Temporarily increases party members' P. Atk. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one's skill is decreased. Effect 3. | 117/0 | Level: Chance: 76 1% 77 2% 78 10% 79 30% 80 80% | |
Chant of Battle + 15 cost Temporarily increases party members' P. Atk. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one's skill is decreased. Effect 3. | 115/0 | Level: Chance: 76 1% 77 2% 78 6% 79 20% 80 78% | |
Chant of Battle + 16 cost Temporarily increases party members' P. Atk. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one's skill is decreased. Effect 3. | 112/0 | Level: Chance: 76 1% 77 1% 78 2% 79 14% 80 40% | |
Chant of Battle + 17 cost Temporarily increases party members' P. Atk. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one's skill is decreased. Effect 3. | 110/0 | Level: Chance: 76 1% 77 1% 78 2% 79 10% 80 30% | |
Chant of Battle + 18 cost Temporarily increases party members' P. Atk. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one's skill is decreased. Effect 3. | 107/0 | Level: Chance: 76 1% 77 1% 78 2% 79 6% 80 20% | |
Chant of Battle + 19 cost Temporarily increases party members' P. Atk. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one's skill is decreased. Effect 3. | 105/0 | Level: Chance: 76 1% 77 1% 78 1% 79 2% 80 14% | |
Chant of Battle + 20 cost Temporarily increases party members' P. Atk. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one's skill is decreased. Effect 3. | 102/0 | Level: Chance: 76 1% 77 1% 78 1% 79 2% 80 10% | |
Chant of Battle + 21 cost Temporarily increases party members' P. Atk. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one's skill is decreased. Effect 3. | 99/0 | Level: Chance: 76 1% 77 1% 78 1% 79 2% 80 6% | |
Chant of Battle + 22 cost Temporarily increases party members' P. Atk. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one's skill is decreased. Effect 3. | 96/0 | Level: Chance: 76 1% 77 1% 78 1% 79 1% 80 2% | |
Chant of Battle + 23 cost Temporarily increases party members' P. Atk. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one's skill is decreased. Effect 3. | 94/0 | Level: Chance: 76 1% 77 1% 78 1% 79 1% 80 2% | |
Chant of Battle + 24 cost Temporarily increases party members' P. Atk. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one's skill is decreased. Effect 3. | 91/0 | Level: Chance: 76 0% 77 1% 78 1% 79 1% 80 2% | |
Chant of Battle + 25 cost Temporarily increases party members' P. Atk. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one's skill is decreased. Effect 3. | 89/0 | Level: Chance: 76 0% 77 1% 78 1% 79 1% 80 1% | |
Chant of Battle + 26 cost Temporarily increases party members' P. Atk. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one's skill is decreased. Effect 3. | 86/0 | Level: Chance: 76 0% 77 1% 78 1% 79 1% 80 1% | |
Chant of Battle + 27 cost Temporarily increases party members' P. Atk. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one's skill is decreased. Effect 3. | 84/0 | Level: Chance: 76 0% 77 0% 78 1% 79 1% 80 1% | |
Chant of Battle + 28 cost Temporarily increases party members' P. Atk. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one's skill is decreased. Effect 3. | 81/0 | Level: Chance: 76 0% 77 0% 78 1% 79 1% 80 1% | |
Chant of Battle + 29 cost Temporarily increases party members' P. Atk. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one's skill is decreased. Effect 3. | 79/0 | Level: Chance: 76 0% 77 0% 78 1% 79 1% 80 1% | |
Chant of Battle + 30 cost Temporarily increases party members' P. Atk. Enchant Cost: the MP consumption of one's skill is decreased. Effect 3. | 76/0 | Level: Chance: 76 0% 77 0% 78 0% 79 1% 80 1% |