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Aura Bolt

Aura Bolt
Aura Bolt
Launches a weak bolt of magical energy. MP consumption rate is low and Casting Speed is short. Power 50.
Type: Active
Краткая информация
  • Skill ID: 1275
  • Skill Level: 11
  • Англ. название: Aura Bolt
  • Type: A1
  • MP Consume: 33
  • HP Consume: 0
Aura Bolt
Launches a weak bolt of magical energy. MP consumption rate is low and Casting Speed is short. Power 26.
Aura Bolt
Launches a weak bolt of magical energy. MP consumption rate is low and Casting Speed is short. Power 29.
Aura Bolt
Launches a weak bolt of magical energy. MP consumption rate is low and Casting Speed is short. Power 33.
Aura Bolt
Launches a weak bolt of magical energy. MP consumption rate is low and Casting Speed is short. Power 36.
Aura Bolt
Launches a weak bolt of magical energy. MP consumption rate is low and Casting Speed is short. Power 39.
Aura Bolt
Launches a weak bolt of magical energy. MP consumption rate is low and Casting Speed is short. Power 41.
Aura Bolt
Launches a weak bolt of magical energy. MP consumption rate is low and Casting Speed is short. Power 43.
Aura Bolt
Launches a weak bolt of magical energy. MP consumption rate is low and Casting Speed is short. Power 45.
Aura Bolt
Launches a weak bolt of magical energy. MP consumption rate is low and Casting Speed is short. Power 46.
Aura Bolt
Launches a weak bolt of magical energy. MP consumption rate is low and Casting Speed is short. Power 48.
Aura Bolt
Launches a weak bolt of magical energy. MP consumption rate is low and Casting Speed is short. Power 50.
Aura Bolt
Launches a weak bolt of magical energy. MP consumption rate is low and Casting Speed is short. Power 51.
Aura Bolt
Launches a weak bolt of magical energy. MP consumption rate is low and Casting Speed is short. Power 53.
Aura Bolt
Launches a weak bolt of magical energy. MP consumption rate is low and Casting Speed is short. Power 54.