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Archaic Laboratory

Location Facts
  • Level: 49 - 54
Recipe: Necklace of MermaidRecipe: Necklace of Mermaid
Plated Leather Gaiters MaterialPlated Leather Gaiters Material
Recipe: Composite ArmorRecipe: Composite Armor
Dwarven Chain Mail Shirt MaterialDwarven Chain Mail Shirt Material
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade C)Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade C)
Mithril OreMithril Ore
Stone of PurityStone of Purity
Greater Dye of Strength <Str+3 Con-3>Greater Dye of Strength <Str+3 Con-3>
Greater Healing PotionGreater Healing Potion
Earring of Binding GemstoneEarring of Binding Gemstone
Recipe: Necklace of BindingRecipe: Necklace of Binding
Ring of Ages GemstoneRing of Ages Gemstone
Recipe: Nassen's EarringRecipe: Nassen's Earring
Necklace of Mermaid TeardropNecklace of Mermaid Teardrop
Iron OreIron Ore
Greater Dye of Strength <Str+3 Dex-3>Greater Dye of Strength <Str+3 Dex-3>
Recipe: Drake Leather ArmorRecipe: Drake Leather Armor
Mithril Gauntlets DesignMithril Gauntlets Design
Crafted LeatherCrafted Leather
Greater Dye of Constitution <Con+3 Str-3>Greater Dye of Constitution <Con+3 Str-3>
Shining Circlet PatternShining Circlet Pattern
Recipe: Divine TunicRecipe: Divine Tunic
Caliburs EdgeCaliburs Edge
Recipe: Soulshot: B-GradeRecipe: Soulshot: B-Grade
Nassen's Earring GemstoneNassen's Earring Gemstone
Metallic FiberMetallic Fiber
Necklace of Binding ChainNecklace of Binding Chain
Recipe: Spiritshot BRecipe: Spiritshot B
Samurai Longsword BladeSamurai Longsword Blade
Recipe: Avadon BreastplateRecipe: Avadon Breastplate
Deadman's Staff HeadDeadman's Staff Head
Ghoul's Staff HeadGhoul's Staff Head
Recipe: Spell Breaker (60%)Recipe: Spell Breaker (60%)
Demon's Staff HeadDemon's Staff Head
Recipe: Ice Storm Hammer (60%)Recipe: Ice Storm Hammer (60%)
Crystal Dagger BladeCrystal Dagger Blade
Great Pata BladeGreat Pata Blade
Recipe: Zubei's Leather GaitersRecipe: Zubei's Leather Gaiters