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Catacomb of the Heretic

Location Facts
  • Level: 30 - 40
Blue Buckskin BootsBlue Buckskin Boots
Leather GauntletsLeather Gauntlets
Animal BoneAnimal Bone
Animal SkinAnimal Skin
Coarse Bone PowderCoarse Bone Powder
Stone of PurityStone of Purity
Recipe: Bone ArrowRecipe: Bone Arrow
Magic Haste PotionMagic Haste Potion
Catacomb Shadow Lvl. 34, Lith Medium Lvl. 33, Gigant Cleric Lvl. 33
Catacomb Shadow Lvl. 34, Lith Medium Lvl. 33, Gigant Cleric Lvl. 33
Catacomb Shadow Lvl. 34, Lith Overlord Lvl. 36, Gigant Officer Lvl. 36, Grave Monk Lvl. 37
Catacomb Shadow Lvl. 34, Lith Overlord Lvl. 36, Gigant Officer Lvl. 36, Grave Monk Lvl. 37
Recipe: Manticore Skin ShirtRecipe: Manticore Skin Shirt
Recipe: Titan Hammer (100%)Recipe: Titan Hammer (100%)
Sword of RevolutionSword of Revolution
Sword of Revolution BladeSword of Revolution Blade
Metal HardenerMetal Hardener
High Grade SuedeHigh Grade Suede
Recipe: Artisan's frameRecipe: Artisan's frame
Recipe: Durable Metal Plate(100%)Recipe: Durable Metal Plate(100%)
Greater AntidoteGreater Antidote
Morning StarMorning Star
Morning Star HeadMorning Star Head
Goat Head StaffGoat Head Staff
Goat Head Staff HeadGoat Head Staff Head
Tarbar HeadTarbar Head
Skull BreakerSkull Breaker
Skull Breaker HeadSkull Breaker Head
Heavy Bone ClubHeavy Bone Club
Heavy Bone Club HeadHeavy Bone Club Head
Spellbook - Summon NightshadeSpellbook - Summon Nightshade
Spellbook - Summon Cursed ManSpellbook - Summon Cursed Man
Red Seal StoneRed Seal Stone
Lith Guard Lvl. 30, Lith Medium Lvl. 33, Lith Overlord Lvl. 36, Lith Patrolman Lvl. 39, Gigant Footman Lvl. 30, Gigant Cleric Lvl. 33, Gigant Officer Lvl. 36, Gigant Raider Lvl. 39
Blue Seal StoneBlue Seal Stone
Lith Guard Lvl. 30, Lith Medium Lvl. 33, Lith Overlord Lvl. 36, Lith Patrolman Lvl. 39, Gigant Footman Lvl. 30, Gigant Cleric Lvl. 33, Gigant Officer Lvl. 36, Gigant Raider Lvl. 39
Iron OreIron Ore
Lith Guard Lvl. 30, Lith Medium Lvl. 33, Gigant Footman Lvl. 30, Gigant Cleric Lvl. 33
Lith Guard Lvl. 30, Lith Medium Lvl. 33, Gigant Footman Lvl. 30, Gigant Cleric Lvl. 33
Lith Guard Lvl. 30, Lith Medium Lvl. 33, Gigant Footman Lvl. 30, Gigant Cleric Lvl. 33
Durable Metal PlateDurable Metal Plate
Lith Guard Lvl. 30, Lith Medium Lvl. 33, Gigant Footman Lvl. 30, Gigant Cleric Lvl. 33
Recipe: Tiger's Eye EarringRecipe: Tiger's Eye Earring
Lith Guard Lvl. 30, Gigant Footman Lvl. 30
Green Seal StoneGreen Seal Stone
Lith Medium Lvl. 33, Lith Overlord Lvl. 36, Lith Patrolman Lvl. 39, Gigant Cleric Lvl. 33, Gigant Officer Lvl. 36, Gigant Raider Lvl. 39
Recipe: Elven RingRecipe: Elven Ring
Lith Medium Lvl. 33, Gigant Cleric Lvl. 33
Sword of MagicSword of Magic
Lith Overlord Lvl. 36, Gigant Officer Lvl. 36
Sword of OccultSword of Occult
Lith Overlord Lvl. 36, Gigant Officer Lvl. 36
Two-Handed SwordTwo-Handed Sword
Lith Overlord Lvl. 36, Gigant Officer Lvl. 36
Two-Handed Sword EdgeTwo-Handed Sword Edge
Lith Overlord Lvl. 36, Gigant Officer Lvl. 36
Crimson SwordCrimson Sword
Lith Overlord Lvl. 36, Gigant Officer Lvl. 36
Elven SwordElven Sword
Lith Overlord Lvl. 36, Gigant Officer Lvl. 36
Oriharukon OreOriharukon Ore
Lith Overlord Lvl. 36, Gigant Officer Lvl. 36, Grave Sentinel Lvl. 35, Grave Monk Lvl. 37
Recipe: RIP GauntletsRecipe: RIP Gauntlets
Lith Overlord Lvl. 36, Gigant Officer Lvl. 36
Adamantite NuggetAdamantite Nugget
Recipe: Blacksmith's frameRecipe: Blacksmith's frame
Bone ArrowBone Arrow
Spellbook - Mass Summon Storm CubicSpellbook - Mass Summon Storm Cubic
Spellbook - Mass Summon Aqua CubicSpellbook - Mass Summon Aqua Cubic
Spellbook - Mass Summon Poltergeist CubicSpellbook - Mass Summon Poltergeist Cubic
Bastard SwordBastard Sword
Spinebone SwordSpinebone Sword
Spinebone Sword BladeSpinebone Sword Blade
Artisan's SwordArtisan's Sword
Knight's SwordKnight's Sword
Recipe: Mithril Banded GaitersRecipe: Mithril Banded Gaiters
Barrow Monk Lvl. 32
Mace of PrayerMace of Prayer
Barrow Monk Lvl. 32
Mace of JudgmentMace of Judgment
Barrow Monk Lvl. 32
Mace of Judgment HeadMace of Judgment Head
Barrow Monk Lvl. 32
Mace of MiracleMace of Miracle
Barrow Monk Lvl. 32
Doom HammerDoom Hammer
Barrow Monk Lvl. 32
Mystic StaffMystic Staff
Barrow Monk Lvl. 32
Conjuror's StaffConjuror's Staff
Barrow Monk Lvl. 32
Conjuror's Staff HeadConjuror's Staff Head
Barrow Monk Lvl. 32
Staff of ManaStaff of Mana
Barrow Monk Lvl. 32
Barrow Monk Lvl. 32
Silver NuggetSilver Nugget
Barrow Monk Lvl. 32
Metallic ThreadMetallic Thread
Barrow Monk Lvl. 32
Compound BraidCompound Braid
Barrow Monk Lvl. 32, Grave Sentinel Lvl. 35
Recipe: Spiked ClubRecipe: Spiked Club
Barrow Monk Lvl. 32
Waking ScrollWaking Scroll
Barrow Monk Lvl. 32
Triple-Edged JamadhrTriple-Edged Jamadhr
Braided HempBraided Hemp
Recipe: Mithril StockingsRecipe: Mithril Stockings
Strengthened Long BowStrengthened Long Bow
Grave Monk Lvl. 37
Strengthened Long Bow ShaftStrengthened Long Bow Shaft
Grave Monk Lvl. 37
Recipe: Mithril AlloyRecipe: Mithril Alloy
Grave Monk Lvl. 37
Recipe: Ogre Power GauntletsRecipe: Ogre Power Gauntlets
Grave Monk Lvl. 37
Greater Magic Haste PotionGreater Magic Haste Potion
Grave Monk Lvl. 37