| Adena | Grim Wolf Lvl. 25, Grim Grizzly Lvl. 26, Grave Robber Scout Lvl. 27, Grave Robber Lookout Lvl. 27, Grave Robber Ranger Lvl. 28, Grave Robber Guard Lvl. 29, Ghost of a Soldier Lvl. 29, Grave Robber Fighter Lvl. 30, Ghost of a Loyal Vassal Lvl. 31, Ghost of a General Lvl. 32, Ghost of a Batur Chief Lvl. 33, Ghost of a Batur Chief Lvl. 33, Ghost of a Morek Chief Lvl. 33, Ghost of a Morek Chief Lvl. 33, Ghost of a Turka Chief Lvl. 33, Ghost of a Turka Chief Lvl. 33 |
 | Puma Skin Shirt | |
 | Puma Skin Gaiters | |
 | Animal Skin | |
 | Animal Bone | |
 | Leather | |
 | Recipe: Enchanted Necklace | |
 | Bagh-Nakh | |
 | Coarse Bone Powder | |
 | Stone of Purity | |
 | Recipe: Priest Sword (100%) | |
 | Strengthened Bow | |
 | Oriharukon Ore | |
 | Braided Hemp | |
 | Cord | |
 | Compound Braid | |
 | Metal Hardener | |
 | Recipe: Scale Mail | |
 | Saber | |
 | Saber Blade | |
 | Heavy Sword | |
 | Heavy Sword Edge | |
 | Steel Sword | |
 | Steel Sword Blade | |
 | Priest Sword | |
 | Priest Sword Blade | |
 | Cokes | |
 | High Grade Suede | |
 | Durable Metal Plate | |
 | Metallic Thread | |
 | Recipe: White Tunic | |
 | Healing Potion | |
 | Crafted Dagger | |
 | Mithril Ore | |
 | Steel | |
 | Adamantite Nugget | |
 | Recipe: Scale Gaiters | |
 | Pike | |
 | Scroll of Resurrection | |
 | Tomahawk | |
 | Mace of Prayer | |
 | Mace of Judgment | |
 | Mace of Judgment Head | |
 | Mace of Miracle | |
 | Doom Hammer | |
 | Mystic Staff | |
 | Conjuror's Staff | |
 | Conjuror's Staff Head | |
 | Staff of Mana | |
 | Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade D) | |
 | Scale Mail | |
 | Scale Mail Fragment | |
 | Scale Gaiters | |
 | Scale Gaiters Fragment | |
 | Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade D) | |
 | Enchanted Earring | |
 | Enchanted Ring | |
 | Enchanted Necklace | |
 | Enchanted Necklace Chain | |
 | Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall | |
 | Greater Antidote | |
 | Bronze Helmet | |
 | Aspis | |
 | Thread | |
 | Silver Nugget | |
 | Scroll of Escape: Castle | |
 | Mithril Breastplate | |
 | Mithril Gaiters | |
 | Compound Scale Mail | |
 | Dwarven Scale Mail | |
 | Blast Plate | |
 | Compound Scale Gaiters | |
 | Dwarven Scale Gaiters | |
 | Charcoal | |
 | Suede | |
 | Recipe: Elven Earring | |
 | Recipe: Elven Ring | |
 | Sword of Magic | |
 | Two-Handed Sword | |
 | Two-Handed Sword Edge | |
 | Crimson Sword | |
 | Elven Sword | |
 | Sword of Occult | |
 | Varnish | |
 | Coal | |
 | Recipe: Elven Necklace | |
 | Recipe: Brigandine Tunic | |
 | Bone Arrow | |
 | Triple-Edged Jamadhr | |
 | Recipe: Manticore Skin Shirt | |
 | Recipe: Manticore Skin Gaiters | |