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Crypts of Disgrace

Location Facts
  • Level: 25 - 33
Puma Skin ShirtPuma Skin Shirt
Grim Wolf Lvl. 25
Puma Skin GaitersPuma Skin Gaiters
Grim Wolf Lvl. 25
Animal SkinAnimal Skin
Grim Wolf Lvl. 25, Grim Grizzly Lvl. 26
Animal BoneAnimal Bone
Grim Wolf Lvl. 25, Grim Grizzly Lvl. 26
Recipe: Enchanted NecklaceRecipe: Enchanted Necklace
Grim Wolf Lvl. 25
Grim Grizzly Lvl. 26
Coarse Bone PowderCoarse Bone Powder
Stone of PurityStone of Purity
Recipe: Priest Sword (100%)Recipe: Priest Sword (100%)
Grim Grizzly Lvl. 26
Strengthened BowStrengthened Bow
Oriharukon OreOriharukon Ore
Braided HempBraided Hemp
Compound BraidCompound Braid
Metal HardenerMetal Hardener
Recipe: Scale MailRecipe: Scale Mail
Saber BladeSaber Blade
Heavy SwordHeavy Sword
Heavy Sword EdgeHeavy Sword Edge
Steel SwordSteel Sword
Steel Sword BladeSteel Sword Blade
 Priest Sword Priest Sword
Priest Sword BladePriest Sword Blade
High Grade SuedeHigh Grade Suede
Durable Metal PlateDurable Metal Plate
Metallic ThreadMetallic Thread
Recipe: White TunicRecipe: White Tunic
Healing PotionHealing Potion
Crafted DaggerCrafted Dagger
Mithril OreMithril Ore
Adamantite NuggetAdamantite Nugget
Recipe: Scale GaitersRecipe: Scale Gaiters
Scroll of ResurrectionScroll of Resurrection
Mace of PrayerMace of Prayer
Mace of JudgmentMace of Judgment
Mace of Judgment HeadMace of Judgment Head
Mace of MiracleMace of Miracle
Doom HammerDoom Hammer
Mystic StaffMystic Staff
Conjuror's StaffConjuror's Staff
Conjuror's Staff HeadConjuror's Staff Head
Staff of ManaStaff of Mana
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade D)Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade D)
Scale MailScale Mail
Scale Mail FragmentScale Mail Fragment
Scale GaitersScale Gaiters
Scale Gaiters FragmentScale Gaiters Fragment
Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade D)Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade D)
Enchanted EarringEnchanted Earring
Enchanted RingEnchanted Ring
Enchanted NecklaceEnchanted Necklace
Enchanted Necklace ChainEnchanted Necklace Chain
Scroll of Escape: Clan HallScroll of Escape: Clan Hall
Greater AntidoteGreater Antidote
Bronze HelmetBronze Helmet
Silver NuggetSilver Nugget
Scroll of Escape: CastleScroll of Escape: Castle
Mithril BreastplateMithril Breastplate
Mithril GaitersMithril Gaiters
Compound Scale MailCompound Scale Mail
Dwarven Scale MailDwarven Scale Mail
Blast PlateBlast Plate
Compound Scale GaitersCompound Scale Gaiters
Dwarven Scale GaitersDwarven Scale Gaiters
Recipe: Elven EarringRecipe: Elven Earring
Recipe: Elven RingRecipe: Elven Ring
Sword of MagicSword of Magic
Two-Handed SwordTwo-Handed Sword
Two-Handed Sword EdgeTwo-Handed Sword Edge
Crimson SwordCrimson Sword
Elven SwordElven Sword
Sword of OccultSword of Occult
Recipe: Elven NecklaceRecipe: Elven Necklace
Recipe: Brigandine TunicRecipe: Brigandine Tunic
Bone ArrowBone Arrow
Triple-Edged JamadhrTriple-Edged Jamadhr
Recipe: Manticore Skin ShirtRecipe: Manticore Skin Shirt
Recipe: Manticore Skin GaitersRecipe: Manticore Skin Gaiters