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Devil's Isle

Location Facts
  • Level: 43 - 65
Recipe: Metal Hardener (100%)Recipe: Metal Hardener (100%)
Elven Earring BeadsElven Earring Beads
Recipe: OriharukonRecipe: Oriharukon
Oriharukon OreOriharukon Ore
Zaken's Archer Lvl. 44, Pirate Zombie Lvl. 44, Kaim Vanul Lad Lvl. 51
Stone of PurityStone of Purity
Zaken's Archer Lvl. 44, Pirate Zombie Lvl. 44
Omen Beast's Eye Earring GemstoneOmen Beast's Eye Earring Gemstone
Zaken's Seer Lvl. 45, Light Bringer Lvl. 46
Zaken's Seer Lvl. 45
Mithril Ring WireMithril Ring Wire
Zaken's Seer Lvl. 45
Recipe: Cursed StaffRecipe: Cursed Staff
Heavy Doom Hammer HeadHeavy Doom Hammer Head
Moonstone Earring WireMoonstone Earring Wire
Recipe: Sword of DelusionRecipe: Sword of Delusion
Death Flyer Lvl. 47
Plated Leather Gaiters MaterialPlated Leather Gaiters Material
Death Flyer Lvl. 47, Treasure Chest Lvl. 48
Recipe: Earrings of Binding (100%)Recipe: Earrings of Binding (100%)
Death Flyer Lvl. 47, Pit Archer Lvl. 48, Treasure Chest Lvl. 48
Knuckle Duster EdgeKnuckle Duster Edge
Fiend Archer Lvl. 48
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade C)Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade C)
Earring of Protection GemstoneEarring of Protection Gemstone
Fiend Archer Lvl. 48, Gigantic Flyer Lvl. 47
Recipe: War AxeRecipe: War Axe
Musveren Lvl. 49
Rind Leather Gaiters MaterialRind Leather Gaiters Material
Musveren Lvl. 49
Recipe: Ring of AgesRecipe: Ring of Ages
Musveren Lvl. 49, Pit Archer Lvl. 48
Greater Dye of Strength <Str+3 Con-3>Greater Dye of Strength <Str+3 Con-3>
Greater Healing PotionGreater Healing Potion
Earring of Binding GemstoneEarring of Binding Gemstone
Greater Dye of Constitution <Con+3 Str-3>Greater Dye of Constitution <Con+3 Str-3>
Kaim Vanul Lvl. 51
Mold HardenerMold Hardener
Kaim Vanul Lvl. 51
Paradia Staff HeadParadia Staff Head
Recipe: Deadman's StaffRecipe: Deadman's Staff
Theca Leather Gloves TextureTheca Leather Gloves Texture
Doll Blader Lvl. 53
Nassen's Earring GemstoneNassen's Earring Gemstone
Theca Leather Gaiters PatternTheca Leather Gaiters Pattern
Vale Master Lvl. 54, Treasure Chest Lvl. 54
Recipe: Adamantite Earrings (70%)Recipe: Adamantite Earrings (70%)
Vale Master Lvl. 54
Recipe: Soulshot: B-GradeRecipe: Soulshot: B-Grade
Vale Master Lvl. 54, Sairon Lvl. 54, Crimson Doll Blader Lvl. 53
Metallic FiberMetallic Fiber
Theca Leather Armor PatternTheca Leather Armor Pattern
Sairon Lvl. 54, Treasure Chest Lvl. 54
Dye of Strength <Str+1 Con-1>Dye of Strength <Str+1 Con-1>
Recipe: Soulshot: C-GradeRecipe: Soulshot: C-Grade
Recipe: Earring of ProtectionRecipe: Earring of Protection
Aquastone Ring WireAquastone Ring Wire
Iron OreIron Ore
Recipe: Crimson BootsRecipe: Crimson Boots
Scythe EdgeScythe Edge
Silver NuggetSilver Nugget
Plated Leather FragmentPlated Leather Fragment
Ring of Protection GemstoneRing of Protection Gemstone
Pit Archer Lvl. 48
Necklace of Protection GemstoneNecklace of Protection Gemstone
Greater Dye of Constitution <Con+3 Dex-3>Greater Dye of Constitution <Con+3 Dex-3>
Tsurugi BladeTsurugi Blade
Recipe: Samurai LongswordRecipe: Samurai Longsword
Homunkulus's Sword BladeHomunkulus's Sword Blade
Mold GlueMold Glue
Samurai Longsword BladeSamurai Longsword Blade
Recipe: Avadon BreastplateRecipe: Avadon Breastplate
Deadman's Staff HeadDeadman's Staff Head
Greater Dye of Strength <Str+1 Con-1>Greater Dye of Strength <Str+1 Con-1>
Braided HempBraided Hemp
Recipe: Adamantite EarringsRecipe: Adamantite Earrings