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Dwarven Village

Location Facts
  • Level: 4 - 80
Christmas Tree70490Angel
Alchemist's Chest80Construct
Black Wolf4141NOAnimal
Goblin Snooper5178NOHumanoid
Utuku Orc6214NOHumanoid
Trader Reep70Dwarf
Trader Shari70Dwarf
Trader Mion70Dwarf
Warehouse Chief Reed70Dwarf
Warehouse Freightman Murdoc70Dwarf
Warehouse Keeper Airy70Dwarf
Collector Gouph70Dwarf
Collector Pippi70Dwarf
Head Blacksmith Bronk70Dwarf
Blacksmith Brunon70Dwarf
Blacksmith Silvera70Dwarf
Iron Gate's Lockirin70Dwarf
Golden Wheel's Spiron70Dwarf
Silver Scale's Balanki70Dwarf
Bronze Key's Keef70Dwarf
Gray Pillar Member Filaur70Dwarf
Black Anvil's Arin70Dwarf
Priest of the Earth Daichir70Dwarf
Priest of the Earth Zimenf70Dwarf
Priestess of the Earth Chichirin70Dwarf
Gatekeeper Wirphy70Dwarf
Protector Paion80Dwarf
Defender Runant80Dwarf
Defender Ethan80Dwarf
Defender Cromwell80Dwarf
Defender Tardyon80Dwarf
Defender Nathan80Dwarf
Gauri Twinklerock70Dwarf
Maryse Redbonnet70Dwarf
Carrier Torocco70Dwarf
Newbie Guide70Dwarf
Wanderer Dorf70Dwarf
Chief Croto70Orc
Lottery Ticket Seller70Dwarf
Event Gatekeeper70Animal
Event Manager Orion the Cat70Animal
Event Manager Roy the Cat70Animal
Event Manager Winnie the Cat70Animal
Event Manager Orion the Cat70Animal
Carrier Tate70Dwarf
Deliveryman Rogin70Dwarf
Grand Olympiad Manager70Human
Adventurers' Guide Miss Queen70Animal
Monument of Heroes70Others
Event Manager Beryl the Cat70Animal
Adventure Guildsman70Human
Adventure Guildsman70Dwarf
Event Manager70490Dwarf
Event Manager Orion the Cat70490Animal
Santa Trainee70490Dwarf
Alchemist's Servitor70Others
Schuttgart Manor Manager70Dwarf