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Execution Ground

Location Facts
  • Level: 20 - 40
Treasure Chest Lvl. 21, Treasure Chest Lvl. 24, Treasure Chest Lvl. 27, Treasure Chest Lvl. 30, Treasure Chest Lvl. 33, Granite Golem Lvl. 33, Hangman Tree Lvl. 35, Mandragora Sprout Lvl. 21, Mandragora Sapling Lvl. 23, Mandragora Blossom Lvl. 25, Neer Crawler Lvl. 28, Specter Lvl. 26, Sorrow Maiden Lvl. 27, Neer Ghoul Berserker Lvl. 29, Amber Basilisk Lvl. 30, Strain Lvl. 31, Ghoul Lvl. 32, Dead Seeker Lvl. 34, Dire Wolf Lvl. 24, Mandragora Sprout Lvl. 20, Monster Eye Gazer Lvl. 25, Catacomb Scavenger Bat Lvl. 31, Catacomb Shadow Lvl. 34, Catacomb Stakato Soldier Lvl. 38, Grave Keeper Dark Horror Lvl. 40, Barrow Sentinel Lvl. 30, Barrow Monk Lvl. 32, Grave Sentinel Lvl. 35, Grave Monk Lvl. 37, Treasure Chest Lvl. 21, Treasure Chest Lvl. 24, Treasure Chest Lvl. 27, Treasure Chest Lvl. 30, Treasure Chest Lvl. 33
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade D)Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade D)
Treasure Chest Lvl. 21, Treasure Chest Lvl. 24, Treasure Chest Lvl. 27, Treasure Chest Lvl. 30, Treasure Chest Lvl. 33, Strain Lvl. 31
Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade D)Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade D)
Treasure Chest Lvl. 21, Treasure Chest Lvl. 24, Treasure Chest Lvl. 27, Treasure Chest Lvl. 30, Treasure Chest Lvl. 33
Mithril Banded MailMithril Banded Mail
Granite Golem Lvl. 33, Hangman Tree Lvl. 35
Mithril Banded Mail MaterialMithril Banded Mail Material
Granite Golem Lvl. 33, Hangman Tree Lvl. 35
Reinforced Leather ShirtReinforced Leather Shirt
Granite Golem Lvl. 33, Hangman Tree Lvl. 35
Mithril Banded GaitersMithril Banded Gaiters
Granite Golem Lvl. 33, Hangman Tree Lvl. 35
Mithril Banded Gaiters MaterialMithril Banded Gaiters Material
Granite Golem Lvl. 33, Hangman Tree Lvl. 35
Reinforced Leather GaitersReinforced Leather Gaiters
Granite Golem Lvl. 33, Hangman Tree Lvl. 35
Oriharukon OreOriharukon Ore
Granite Golem Lvl. 33, Neer Crawler Lvl. 28, Neer Ghoul Berserker Lvl. 29, Dead Seeker Lvl. 34, Monster Eye Gazer Lvl. 25, Lith Overlord Lvl. 36, Gigant Officer Lvl. 36, Grave Sentinel Lvl. 35, Grave Monk Lvl. 37
Braided HempBraided Hemp
Granite Golem Lvl. 33, Neer Crawler Lvl. 28, Neer Ghoul Berserker Lvl. 29, Dead Seeker Lvl. 34, Grave Sentinel Lvl. 35
Compound BraidCompound Braid
Granite Golem Lvl. 33, Neer Crawler Lvl. 28, Neer Ghoul Berserker Lvl. 29, Dead Seeker Lvl. 34, Barrow Monk Lvl. 32, Grave Sentinel Lvl. 35, Treasure Chest Lvl. 33
Metal HardenerMetal Hardener
Recipe: Elven RingRecipe: Elven Ring
Granite Golem Lvl. 33, Lith Medium Lvl. 33, Gigant Cleric Lvl. 33
Recipe: BonebreakerRecipe: Bonebreaker
Recipe: Plate BootsRecipe: Plate Boots
Granite Golem Lvl. 33, Hangman Tree Lvl. 35
Stone of PurityStone of Purity
Hangman Tree Lvl. 35, Specter Lvl. 26, Strain Lvl. 31, Catacomb Scavenger Bat Lvl. 31, Catacomb Shadow Lvl. 34
Hangman Tree Lvl. 35, Specter Lvl. 26, Strain Lvl. 31, Catacomb Shadow Lvl. 34, Treasure Chest Lvl. 24
High Grade SuedeHigh Grade Suede
Hangman Tree Lvl. 35, Strain Lvl. 31, Catacomb Stakato Soldier Lvl. 38, Treasure Chest Lvl. 27
Durable Metal PlateDurable Metal Plate
Hangman Tree Lvl. 35, Strain Lvl. 31, Lith Guard Lvl. 30, Lith Medium Lvl. 33, Gigant Footman Lvl. 30, Gigant Cleric Lvl. 33
Metallic ThreadMetallic Thread
Hangman Tree Lvl. 35, Specter Lvl. 26, Strain Lvl. 31, Barrow Monk Lvl. 32, Treasure Chest Lvl. 33
Recipe: Manticore Skin BootsRecipe: Manticore Skin Boots
Hangman Tree Lvl. 35
Recipe: Skull BreakerRecipe: Skull Breaker
Deluxe Chest Key - Grade 3Deluxe Chest Key - Grade 3
Hangman Tree Lvl. 35, Strain Lvl. 31
Bone ArrowBone Arrow
Hangman Tree Lvl. 35, Sorrow Maiden Lvl. 27, Lith Patrolman Lvl. 39, Grave Sentinel Lvl. 35
Coral EarringCoral Earring
Blue Diamond NecklaceBlue Diamond Necklace
Blue Diamond Necklace GemBlue Diamond Necklace Gem
Blue Coral RingBlue Coral Ring
Mandragora Sprout Lvl. 21, Dire Wolf Lvl. 24, Barrow Monk Lvl. 32, Treasure Chest Lvl. 33
Silver NuggetSilver Nugget
Mandragora Sprout Lvl. 21, Dire Wolf Lvl. 24, Barrow Monk Lvl. 32, Treasure Chest Lvl. 33
Recipe: Assassin KnifeRecipe: Assassin Knife
Recipe: Spiritshot (D) Compressed Package (100%)Recipe: Spiritshot (D) Compressed Package (100%)
Iron OreIron Ore
Mandragora Sapling Lvl. 23, Mandragora Sprout Lvl. 20, Lith Guard Lvl. 30, Lith Medium Lvl. 33, Gigant Footman Lvl. 30, Gigant Cleric Lvl. 33, Treasure Chest Lvl. 21
Mandragora Sapling Lvl. 23, Mandragora Sprout Lvl. 20, Lith Guard Lvl. 30, Lith Medium Lvl. 33, Gigant Footman Lvl. 30, Gigant Cleric Lvl. 33, Treasure Chest Lvl. 21
Mandragora Sapling Lvl. 23, Mandragora Blossom Lvl. 25, Sorrow Maiden Lvl. 27, Ghoul Lvl. 32, Lith Guard Lvl. 30, Lith Medium Lvl. 33, Gigant Footman Lvl. 30, Gigant Cleric Lvl. 33
Recipe: Spiritshot DRecipe: Spiritshot D
Recipe: Greater Spiritshot (D) Compressed Package(100%)Recipe: Greater Spiritshot (D) Compressed Package(100%)
Deluxe Chest Key - Grade 2Deluxe Chest Key - Grade 2
Mandragora Sapling Lvl. 23, Specter Lvl. 26
Potion of AlacrityPotion of Alacrity
Red Crescent EarringRed Crescent Earring
Necklace of DevotionNecklace of Devotion
Necklace of Devotion ChainNecklace of Devotion Chain
Ring of DevotionRing of Devotion
Mithril OreMithril Ore
Mandragora Blossom Lvl. 25, Sorrow Maiden Lvl. 27, Ghoul Lvl. 32
Adamantite NuggetAdamantite Nugget
Mandragora Blossom Lvl. 25, Sorrow Maiden Lvl. 27, Ghoul Lvl. 32, Lith Patrolman Lvl. 39
Coarse Bone PowderCoarse Bone Powder
Mandragora Blossom Lvl. 25, Sorrow Maiden Lvl. 27, Amber Basilisk Lvl. 30, Ghoul Lvl. 32, Barrow Sentinel Lvl. 30, Treasure Chest Lvl. 30
Recipe: White TunicRecipe: White Tunic
Healing PotionHealing Potion
Mandragora Blossom Lvl. 25, Specter Lvl. 26
Neer Crawler Lvl. 28
Recipe: Enchanted NecklaceRecipe: Enchanted Necklace
Neer Crawler Lvl. 28, Treasure Chest Lvl. 27
Scroll of WisdomScroll of Wisdom
Specter Lvl. 26
Branch of LifeBranch of Life
Specter Lvl. 26
Temptation of AbyssTemptation of Abyss
Specter Lvl. 26
Temptation of Abyss PieceTemptation of Abyss Piece
Specter Lvl. 26
Proof of RevengeProof of Revenge
Specter Lvl. 26
Recipe: Dwarven TridentRecipe: Dwarven Trident
Specter Lvl. 26
Recipe: Dark StockingsRecipe: Dark Stockings
Recipe: Steel Sword (100%)Recipe: Steel Sword (100%)
Single-Edged JamadhrSingle-Edged Jamadhr
Recipe: Mithril Banded MailRecipe: Mithril Banded Mail
Recipe: Brigandine ShieldRecipe: Brigandine Shield
Blue Buckskin BootsBlue Buckskin Boots
Leather GauntletsLeather Gauntlets
Animal SkinAnimal Skin
Animal BoneAnimal Bone
Recipe: Bone ArrowRecipe: Bone Arrow
Magic Haste PotionMagic Haste Potion
Elven TunicElven Tunic
Strain Lvl. 31
White TunicWhite Tunic
Strain Lvl. 31
White Tunic PatternWhite Tunic Pattern
Strain Lvl. 31
Mystic's TunicMystic's Tunic
Strain Lvl. 31
Elven StockingsElven Stockings
Strain Lvl. 31
Dark StockingsDark Stockings
Strain Lvl. 31
Dark Stocking FabricDark Stocking Fabric
Strain Lvl. 31
Mystic's StockingsMystic's Stockings
Strain Lvl. 31
Recipe: Manticore Skin GaitersRecipe: Manticore Skin Gaiters
Strain Lvl. 31
Emergency DressingEmergency Dressing
Strain Lvl. 31
Lion Skin ShirtLion Skin Shirt
Ghoul Lvl. 32
Lion Skin GaitersLion Skin Gaiters
Ghoul Lvl. 32
Scroll of ResurrectionScroll of Resurrection
Ghoul Lvl. 32
Blessed Scroll of Resurrection for PetsBlessed Scroll of Resurrection for Pets
Ghoul Lvl. 32
Tiger's Eye EarringTiger's Eye Earring
Dead Seeker Lvl. 34
Tiger's Eye Earring StoneTiger's Eye Earring Stone
Dead Seeker Lvl. 34
Near Forest NecklaceNear Forest Necklace
Dead Seeker Lvl. 34
Black Pearl RingBlack Pearl Ring
Dead Seeker Lvl. 34
Recipe: Sword of RevolutionRecipe: Sword of Revolution
Dead Seeker Lvl. 34
Viper's FangViper's Fang
Dire Wolf Lvl. 24
Recipe: SaberRecipe: Saber
Dire Wolf Lvl. 24
Waking ScrollWaking Scroll
Dire Wolf Lvl. 24, Barrow Monk Lvl. 32
Cat's Eye EarringCat's Eye Earring
Necklace of WisdomNecklace of Wisdom
Necklace of Wisdom ChainNecklace of Wisdom Chain
Ring of WisdomRing of Wisdom
Recipe: BootsRecipe: Boots
Cursed TunicCursed Tunic
Cursed StockingsCursed Stockings
Recipe: Mace of JudgmentRecipe: Mace of Judgment
Catacomb Shadow Lvl. 34, Lith Medium Lvl. 33, Gigant Cleric Lvl. 33
Catacomb Shadow Lvl. 34, Lith Medium Lvl. 33, Gigant Cleric Lvl. 33
Catacomb Shadow Lvl. 34, Lith Overlord Lvl. 36, Gigant Officer Lvl. 36, Grave Monk Lvl. 37, Treasure Chest Lvl. 24
Catacomb Shadow Lvl. 34, Lith Overlord Lvl. 36, Gigant Officer Lvl. 36, Grave Monk Lvl. 37, Treasure Chest Lvl. 24
Recipe: Manticore Skin ShirtRecipe: Manticore Skin Shirt
Recipe: Titan Hammer (100%)Recipe: Titan Hammer (100%)
Sword of RevolutionSword of Revolution
Sword of Revolution BladeSword of Revolution Blade
Recipe: Artisan's frameRecipe: Artisan's frame
Recipe: Durable Metal Plate(100%)Recipe: Durable Metal Plate(100%)
Greater AntidoteGreater Antidote
Morning StarMorning Star
Morning Star HeadMorning Star Head
Goat Head StaffGoat Head Staff
Goat Head Staff HeadGoat Head Staff Head
Tarbar HeadTarbar Head
Skull BreakerSkull Breaker
Skull Breaker HeadSkull Breaker Head
Heavy Bone ClubHeavy Bone Club
Heavy Bone Club HeadHeavy Bone Club Head
Spellbook - Summon NightshadeSpellbook - Summon Nightshade
Spellbook - Summon Cursed ManSpellbook - Summon Cursed Man
Red Seal StoneRed Seal Stone
Lith Guard Lvl. 30, Lith Medium Lvl. 33, Lith Overlord Lvl. 36, Lith Patrolman Lvl. 39, Gigant Footman Lvl. 30, Gigant Cleric Lvl. 33, Gigant Officer Lvl. 36, Gigant Raider Lvl. 39
Blue Seal StoneBlue Seal Stone
Lith Guard Lvl. 30, Lith Medium Lvl. 33, Lith Overlord Lvl. 36, Lith Patrolman Lvl. 39, Gigant Footman Lvl. 30, Gigant Cleric Lvl. 33, Gigant Officer Lvl. 36, Gigant Raider Lvl. 39
Recipe: Tiger's Eye EarringRecipe: Tiger's Eye Earring
Lith Guard Lvl. 30, Gigant Footman Lvl. 30
Green Seal StoneGreen Seal Stone
Lith Medium Lvl. 33, Lith Overlord Lvl. 36, Lith Patrolman Lvl. 39, Gigant Cleric Lvl. 33, Gigant Officer Lvl. 36, Gigant Raider Lvl. 39
Sword of MagicSword of Magic
Lith Overlord Lvl. 36, Gigant Officer Lvl. 36
Sword of OccultSword of Occult
Lith Overlord Lvl. 36, Gigant Officer Lvl. 36
Two-Handed SwordTwo-Handed Sword
Lith Overlord Lvl. 36, Gigant Officer Lvl. 36
Two-Handed Sword EdgeTwo-Handed Sword Edge
Lith Overlord Lvl. 36, Gigant Officer Lvl. 36
Crimson SwordCrimson Sword
Lith Overlord Lvl. 36, Gigant Officer Lvl. 36
Elven SwordElven Sword
Lith Overlord Lvl. 36, Gigant Officer Lvl. 36
Recipe: RIP GauntletsRecipe: RIP Gauntlets
Lith Overlord Lvl. 36, Gigant Officer Lvl. 36
Recipe: Blacksmith's frameRecipe: Blacksmith's frame
Spellbook - Mass Summon Storm CubicSpellbook - Mass Summon Storm Cubic
Spellbook - Mass Summon Aqua CubicSpellbook - Mass Summon Aqua Cubic
Spellbook - Mass Summon Poltergeist CubicSpellbook - Mass Summon Poltergeist Cubic
Bastard SwordBastard Sword
Spinebone SwordSpinebone Sword
Spinebone Sword BladeSpinebone Sword Blade
Artisan's SwordArtisan's Sword
Knight's SwordKnight's Sword
Recipe: Mithril Banded GaitersRecipe: Mithril Banded Gaiters
Barrow Monk Lvl. 32
Mace of PrayerMace of Prayer
Barrow Monk Lvl. 32
Mace of JudgmentMace of Judgment
Barrow Monk Lvl. 32
Mace of Judgment HeadMace of Judgment Head
Barrow Monk Lvl. 32
Mace of MiracleMace of Miracle
Barrow Monk Lvl. 32
Doom HammerDoom Hammer
Barrow Monk Lvl. 32
Mystic StaffMystic Staff
Barrow Monk Lvl. 32
Conjuror's StaffConjuror's Staff
Barrow Monk Lvl. 32
Conjuror's Staff HeadConjuror's Staff Head
Barrow Monk Lvl. 32
Staff of ManaStaff of Mana
Barrow Monk Lvl. 32
Recipe: Spiked ClubRecipe: Spiked Club
Barrow Monk Lvl. 32
Triple-Edged JamadhrTriple-Edged Jamadhr
Recipe: Mithril StockingsRecipe: Mithril Stockings
Strengthened Long BowStrengthened Long Bow
Grave Monk Lvl. 37
Strengthened Long Bow ShaftStrengthened Long Bow Shaft
Grave Monk Lvl. 37
Recipe: Mithril AlloyRecipe: Mithril Alloy
Grave Monk Lvl. 37
Recipe: Ogre Power GauntletsRecipe: Ogre Power Gauntlets
Grave Monk Lvl. 37
Greater Magic Haste PotionGreater Magic Haste Potion
Grave Monk Lvl. 37
Boot LiningBoot Lining
Recipe: Necklace of DevotionRecipe: Necklace of Devotion
Bone ShieldBone Shield
Hard Leather HelmetHard Leather Helmet
Recipe: Leather BootsRecipe: Leather Boots
Leather BootsLeather Boots
Leather Boot LiningLeather Boot Lining
Crafted Leather GlovesCrafted Leather Gloves
Crafted Leather Gloves LiningCrafted Leather Gloves Lining
Bronze HelmetBronze Helmet
Iron BootsIron Boots
Iron Boots DesignIron Boots Design
Reinforced Leather BootsReinforced Leather Boots
Boots of KnowledgeBoots of Knowledge
Reinforced Leather GlovesReinforced Leather Gloves
Gloves of KnowledgeGloves of Knowledge
Recipe: Elven EarringRecipe: Elven Earring
Half Plate ArmorHalf Plate Armor
Plate GaitersPlate Gaiters
Half Plate TemperHalf Plate Temper
Plate Gaiters PartPlate Gaiters Part
Atuba HammerAtuba Hammer
Ghost StaffGhost Staff
Staff of LifeStaff of Life
Atuba MaceAtuba Mace
Bonebreaker HeadBonebreaker Head
Atuba Hammer HeadAtuba Hammer Head
Ghost Staff HeadGhost Staff Head
Staff of Life ShaftStaff of Life Shaft
Atuba Mace HeadAtuba Mace Head
Greater Dye of Constitution <Con+2 Str-2>Greater Dye of Constitution <Con+2 Str-2>
Greater Dye of Constitution <Con+2 Dex-2>Greater Dye of Constitution <Con+2 Dex-2>
Greater Dye of Dexterity <Dex+2 Str-2>Greater Dye of Dexterity <Dex+2 Str-2>
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade C)Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade C)
Mithril GlovesMithril Gloves
Ogre Power GauntletsOgre Power Gauntlets
Assault BootsAssault Boots
Salamander Skin BootsSalamander Skin Boots
Plate BootsPlate Boots
Sage's Worn GlovesSage's Worn Gloves
Mithril Gloves DesignMithril Gloves Design
Ogre Power Gauntlets PartOgre Power Gauntlets Part
Assault Boots PartAssault Boots Part
Salamander Skin Boot LiningSalamander Skin Boot Lining
Plate Boots DesignPlate Boots Design
Sage's Worn Gloves LiningSage's Worn Gloves Lining
Mithril DaggerMithril Dagger
Mithril Dagger BladeMithril Dagger Blade
Greater Dye of Wit <Wit+2 Men-2>Greater Dye of Wit <Wit+2 Men-2>
Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade C)Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade C)
Omen Beast's Eye EarringOmen Beast's Eye Earring
Mithril RingMithril Ring
Necklace of DarknessNecklace of Darkness
Omen Beast's Eye Earring GemstoneOmen Beast's Eye Earring Gemstone
Mithril Ring WireMithril Ring Wire
Necklace of Darkness GemNecklace of Darkness Gem
Light CrossbowLight Crossbow
Light Crossbow ShaftLight Crossbow Shaft
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade C)Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade C)