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Field of Massacre

Location Facts
  • Level: 55 - 80
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade B)Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade B)
Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade B)Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade B)
Boots of DoomBoots of Doom
Doom Knight Lvl. 65, Treasure Chest Lvl. 63
Doom Boots PartDoom Boots Part
Doom Knight Lvl. 65, Treasure Chest Lvl. 63
Blue Wolf BootsBlue Wolf Boots
Doom Knight Lvl. 65, Treasure Chest Lvl. 63
Blue Wolf Boots DesignBlue Wolf Boots Design
Doom Knight Lvl. 65, Treasure Chest Lvl. 63
Doom GlovesDoom Gloves
Doom Knight Lvl. 65, Treasure Chest Lvl. 63
Doom Gloves PartDoom Gloves Part
Doom Knight Lvl. 65, Treasure Chest Lvl. 63
Blue Wolf GlovesBlue Wolf Gloves
Doom Knight Lvl. 65, Treasure Chest Lvl. 63
Blue Wolf Gloves FabricBlue Wolf Gloves Fabric
Doom Knight Lvl. 65, Treasure Chest Lvl. 63
Animal BoneAnimal Bone
Doom Knight Lvl. 65, Doom Scout Lvl. 56, Sepulcher Preacher Lvl. 77, Treasure Chest Lvl. 60
Animal SkinAnimal Skin
Doom Knight Lvl. 65, Doom Scout Lvl. 56, Sepulcher Preacher Lvl. 77, Treasure Chest Lvl. 60
Coarse Bone PowderCoarse Bone Powder
Doom Knight Lvl. 65, Doom Scout Lvl. 56, Sepulcher Preacher Lvl. 77
Stone of PurityStone of Purity
Doom Knight Lvl. 65, Doom Scout Lvl. 56, Doom Trooper Lvl. 63, Sepulcher Preacher Lvl. 77
Mold HardenerMold Hardener
Recipe: Blue Wolf GaitersRecipe: Blue Wolf Gaiters
Doom Knight Lvl. 65
Recipe: Greater Spiritshot (A) Compressed Package(100%)Recipe: Greater Spiritshot (A) Compressed Package(100%)
Doom Knight Lvl. 65
Recipe: Flaming Dragon Skull (60%)Recipe: Flaming Dragon Skull (60%)
Doom Knight Lvl. 65
Bellion CestusBellion Cestus
Bellion Cestus EdgeBellion Cestus Edge
Spellbook: BenedictionSpellbook: Benediction
Eminence BowEminence Bow
Eminence Bow ShaftEminence Bow Shaft
Silver NuggetSilver Nugget
Wretched Archer Lvl. 55, Grave Predator Lvl. 59, Doom Warrior Lvl. 64, Treasure Chest Lvl. 63
Wretched Archer Lvl. 55, Grave Predator Lvl. 59, Doom Warrior Lvl. 64, Treasure Chest Lvl. 63
Mithril OreMithril Ore
Metallic FiberMetallic Fiber
Recipe: Adamantite Necklace (70%)Recipe: Adamantite Necklace (70%)
Recipe: Keshanberk (60%)Recipe: Keshanberk (60%)
Recipe: Blessed Spiritshot (B) Compressed Package (100%)Recipe: Blessed Spiritshot (B) Compressed Package (100%)
Recipe: Silver ArrowRecipe: Silver Arrow
Recipe: Dark Elven Long Bow (60%)Recipe: Dark Elven Long Bow (60%)
Dark Elven Long BowDark Elven Long Bow
Doom Scout Lvl. 56
Dark Elven Longbow ShaftDark Elven Longbow Shaft
Doom Scout Lvl. 56
Recipe: Tunic of Zubei (60%)Recipe: Tunic of Zubei (60%)
Doom Scout Lvl. 56
Recipe: Blue Wolf Boots (60%)Recipe: Blue Wolf Boots (60%)
Doom Scout Lvl. 56
Recipe: Kaim Vanul's Bones (100%)Recipe: Kaim Vanul's Bones (100%)
Doom Scout Lvl. 56
Zubei's ShieldZubei's Shield
Grave Lich Lvl. 57, Treasure Chest Lvl. 60
Zubei's Shield FragmentZubei's Shield Fragment
Grave Lich Lvl. 57, Treasure Chest Lvl. 60
Avadon ShieldAvadon Shield
Grave Lich Lvl. 57, Treasure Chest Lvl. 60
Avadon Shield FragmentAvadon Shield Fragment
Grave Lich Lvl. 57, Treasure Chest Lvl. 60
Zubei's HelmetZubei's Helmet
Grave Lich Lvl. 57, Treasure Chest Lvl. 60
Zubei's Helmet DesignZubei's Helmet Design
Grave Lich Lvl. 57, Treasure Chest Lvl. 60
Avadon CircletAvadon Circlet
Grave Lich Lvl. 57, Treasure Chest Lvl. 60
Avadon Circlet PatternAvadon Circlet Pattern
Grave Lich Lvl. 57, Treasure Chest Lvl. 60
Metal HardenerMetal Hardener
Grave Lich Lvl. 57
High Grade SuedeHigh Grade Suede
Grave Lich Lvl. 57
Recipe: Great Sword (60%)Recipe: Great Sword (60%)
Grave Lich Lvl. 57
Recipe: Doom Boots (60%)Recipe: Doom Boots (60%)
Grave Lich Lvl. 57
Recipe: Doom Gloves (60%)Recipe: Doom Gloves (60%)
Grave Lich Lvl. 57
Greater AntidoteGreater Antidote
Grave Lich Lvl. 57
Zubei's Leather ShirtZubei's Leather Shirt
Dismal Pole Lvl. 58
Zubei's Leather Shirt FabricZubei's Leather Shirt Fabric
Dismal Pole Lvl. 58
Avadon Leather ArmorAvadon Leather Armor
Dismal Pole Lvl. 58
Avadon Leather Armor LiningAvadon Leather Armor Lining
Dismal Pole Lvl. 58
Zubei's Leather GaitersZubei's Leather Gaiters
Dismal Pole Lvl. 58
Zubei's Leather Gaiter TextureZubei's Leather Gaiter Texture
Dismal Pole Lvl. 58
Spellbook: Curse DiseaseSpellbook: Curse Disease
Dismal Pole Lvl. 58
Amulet: Pa'agrio's HasteAmulet: Pa'agrio's Haste
Dismal Pole Lvl. 58
Deluxe Chest Key - Grade 5Deluxe Chest Key - Grade 5
Dismal Pole Lvl. 58
Great SwordGreat Sword
Great Sword BladeGreat Sword Blade
Keshanberk BladeKeshanberk Blade
Sword of ValhallaSword of Valhalla
Sword of Valhalla BladeSword of Valhalla Blade
Recipe: Earrings of Black OreRecipe: Earrings of Black Ore
Grave Predator Lvl. 59, Doom Warrior Lvl. 64
Recipe: Blue Wolf BootsRecipe: Blue Wolf Boots
Recipe: Demon's SwordRecipe: Demon's Sword
Zubei's BreastplateZubei's Breastplate
Doom Servant Lvl. 60
Zubei's Breastplate PartZubei's Breastplate Part
Doom Servant Lvl. 60
Avadon BreastplateAvadon Breastplate
Doom Servant Lvl. 60
Avadon Breastplate PartAvadon Breastplate Part
Doom Servant Lvl. 60
Zubei's GaitersZubei's Gaiters
Doom Servant Lvl. 60
Zubei's Gaiter MaterialZubei's Gaiter Material
Doom Servant Lvl. 60
Avadon GaitersAvadon Gaiters
Doom Servant Lvl. 60
Avadon Gaiters MaterialAvadon Gaiters Material
Doom Servant Lvl. 60
Iron OreIron Ore
Doom Servant Lvl. 60
Doom Servant Lvl. 60
Doom Servant Lvl. 60
Durable Metal PlateDurable Metal Plate
Doom Servant Lvl. 60
Recipe: LanceRecipe: Lance
Doom Servant Lvl. 60
Recipe: Blue Wolf GlovesRecipe: Blue Wolf Gloves
Doom Servant Lvl. 60
Recipe: Art of Battle Axe (60%)Recipe: Art of Battle Axe (60%)
Doom Servant Lvl. 60
Blue Wolf BreastplateBlue Wolf Breastplate
Blue Wolf Breastplate PartBlue Wolf Breastplate Part
Doom Plate ArmorDoom Plate Armor
Doom Plate Armor TemperDoom Plate Armor Temper
Blue Wolf GaitersBlue Wolf Gaiters
Blue Wolf Gaiters MaterialBlue Wolf Gaiters Material
Mold LubricantMold Lubricant
Recipe: Staff of Evil Spirits (60%)Recipe: Staff of Evil Spirits (60%)
Recipe: Greater Blessed Spiritshot (A) Compressed Package(100%)Recipe: Greater Blessed Spiritshot (A) Compressed Package(100%)
Metallic ThreadMetallic Thread
Doom Warrior Lvl. 64, Treasure Chest Lvl. 63
Compound BraidCompound Braid
Doom Warrior Lvl. 64, Treasure Chest Lvl. 63
Doom Warrior Lvl. 64, Treasure Chest Lvl. 63
Greater Dye of Wit <Wit+4 Men-4>Greater Dye of Wit <Wit+4 Men-4>
Doom Warrior Lvl. 64
Recipe: Blessed Spiritshot ARecipe: Blessed Spiritshot A
Doom Warrior Lvl. 64
Deluxe Chest Key - Grade 6Deluxe Chest Key - Grade 6
Doom Warrior Lvl. 64
Sealed Majestic EarringSealed Majestic Earring
Sealed Majestic Earring GemstoneSealed Majestic Earring Gemstone
Sealed Majestic NecklaceSealed Majestic Necklace
Sealed Majestic Necklace BeadsSealed Majestic Necklace Beads
Sealed Majestic RingSealed Majestic Ring
Sealed Majestic Ring GemstoneSealed Majestic Ring Gemstone
Adamantite NuggetAdamantite Nugget
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade A)Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade A)
Sealed Leather Armor of NightmareSealed Leather Armor of Nightmare
Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare FabricSealed Leather Armor of Nightmare Fabric
Sealed Majestic Leather ArmorSealed Majestic Leather Armor
Sealed Majestic Leather Armor FabricSealed Majestic Leather Armor Fabric
Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade A)Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade A)
Waking ScrollWaking Scroll
Red Seal StoneRed Seal Stone
Green Seal StoneGreen Seal Stone
Sealed Tallum TunicSealed Tallum Tunic
Sealed Tallum Tunic TextureSealed Tallum Tunic Texture
Sealed Dark Crystal RobeSealed Dark Crystal Robe
Sealed Dark Crystal Robe FabricSealed Dark Crystal Robe Fabric
Sealed Tallum StockingsSealed Tallum Stockings
Sealed Tallum Stockings FabricSealed Tallum Stockings Fabric
Spellbook - Prophecy of WaterSpellbook - Prophecy of Water
Spellbook - Prophecy of FireSpellbook - Prophecy of Fire
Spellbook - Prophecy of WindSpellbook - Prophecy of Wind
Sealed Shield of NightmareSealed Shield of Nightmare
Sealed Shield of Nightmare FragmentSealed Shield of Nightmare Fragment
Sealed Helm of NightmareSealed Helm of Nightmare
Sealed Helm of Nightmare DesignSealed Helm of Nightmare Design
Sealed Majestic CircletSealed Majestic Circlet
Sealed Majestic Circlet DesignSealed Majestic Circlet Design
Sealed Dark Crystal breastplateSealed Dark Crystal breastplate
Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate PatternSealed Dark Crystal Breastplate Pattern
Sealed Tallum Plate ArmorSealed Tallum Plate Armor
Sealed Tallum Plate Armor PatternSealed Tallum Plate Armor Pattern
Sealed Dark Crystal GaitersSealed Dark Crystal Gaiters
Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters PatternSealed Dark Crystal Gaiters Pattern
Amulet - Pa'agrio's EyeAmulet - Pa'agrio's Eye
Amulet - Pa'agrio's SoulAmulet - Pa'agrio's Soul
Amulet - Seal of DespairAmulet - Seal of Despair
Amulet: Seal of DiseaseAmulet: Seal of Disease
Sealed Dark Crystal ShieldSealed Dark Crystal Shield
Sealed Dark Crystal Shield FragmentSealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment
Sealed Dark Crystal HelmetSealed Dark Crystal Helmet
Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet DesignSealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design
Sealed Tallum HelmetSealed Tallum Helmet
Sealed Tallum Helm DesignSealed Tallum Helm Design
Crafted LeatherCrafted Leather
Recipe: Ring of Black OreRecipe: Ring of Black Ore
Recipe: Mithril Arrow (100%)Recipe: Mithril Arrow (100%)
Skull of the Dead: A-Grade Skull of the Dead: A-Grade
Destruction TombstoneDestruction Tombstone
Soul SeparatorSoul Separator
Soul Separator HeadSoul Separator Head
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade S)Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade S)
Sealed Imperial Crusader GauntletSealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlet
Sealed Imperial Crusader BootsSealed Imperial Crusader Boots
Sealed Draconic Leather GloveSealed Draconic Leather Glove
Sealed Draconic Leather BootsSealed Draconic Leather Boots
Sealed Major Arcana GloveSealed Major Arcana Glove
Sealed Major Arcana BootsSealed Major Arcana Boots
Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets DesignSealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlets Design
Sealed Imperial Crusader Boots DesignSealed Imperial Crusader Boots Design
Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves FabricSealed Draconic Leather Gloves Fabric
Sealed Draconic Leather Boots DesignSealed Draconic Leather Boots Design
Sealed Major Arcana Gloves fabricSealed Major Arcana Gloves fabric
Sealed Major Arcana Boots DesignSealed Major Arcana Boots Design
Basalt BattlehammerBasalt Battlehammer
Imperial StaffImperial Staff
Dragon Hunter AxeDragon Hunter Axe
Arcana MaceArcana Mace
Basalt Battlehammer HeadBasalt Battlehammer Head
Imperial Staff HeadImperial Staff Head
Dragon Hunter Axe BladeDragon Hunter Axe Blade
Arcana Mace HeadArcana Mace Head
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade S)Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade S)
Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade S)Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade S)
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade S)Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade S)