| Adena | Dread Wolf Lvl. 35, Tasaba Lizardman Lvl. 36, Tasaba Lizardman Shaman Lvl. 37, Lienrik Lvl. 39, Lienrik Lad Lvl. 40, Ogre Lvl. 38, Dread Wolf Lvl. 35, Tasaba Lizardman Lvl. 36, Tasaba Lizardman Shaman Lvl. 37, Ogre Lvl. 38, Tasaba Lizardman Sniper Lvl. 39, Tasaba Lizardman Sniper Lvl. 39, Lienrik Lvl. 39, Lienrik Lad Lvl. 40 |
 | Blood of Saints | |
 | Tome of Blood | |
 | Tome of Blood Page | |
 | Oriharukon Ore | |
 | Braided Hemp | |
 | Cord | |
 | Compound Braid | |
 | Metal Hardener | |
 | Recipe: Tiger's Eye Earring | |
 | Recipe: Brigandine Boots | |
 | Recipe: Priest Mace (100%) | |
 | Sword of Magic | |
 | Sword of Occult | |
 | Two-Handed Sword | |
 | Two-Handed Sword Edge | |
 | Crimson Sword | |
 | Elven Sword | |
 | Stone of Purity | |
 | Cokes | |
 | High Grade Suede | |
 | Durable Metal Plate | |
 | Metallic Thread | |
 | Recipe: Bone Arrow | |
 | Boots of Power | |
 | Boots of Power Pattern | |
 | Manticore Skin Boots | |
 | Manticore Skin Boot Lining | |
 | Brigandine Boots | |
 | Brigandine Boots Design | |
 | Elven Mithril Boots | |
 | Elven Mithril Boots Design | |
 | Rip Gauntlets | |
 | Rip Gauntlets Pattern | |
 | Manticore Skin Gloves | |
 | Manticore Skin Gloves Lining | |
 | Brigandine Gauntlets | |
 | Brigandine Gauntlets Pattern | |
 | Elven Mithril Gloves | |
 | Elven Mithril Gloves Design | |
 | Recipe: Iron Boots | |
 | Recipe: Brigandine Shield | |
 | Deluxe Chest Key - Grade 3 | |
 | Bone Arrow | |
 | Manticore Skin Shirt | |
 | Manticore Skin Shirt Texture | |
 | Manticore Skin Gaiters | |
 | Manticore Skin Gaiters Pattern | |
 | Recipe: Strengthened Long Bow | |
 | Recipe: Bonebreaker | |
 | Elven Earring | |
 | Elven Earring Beads | |
 | Elven Necklace | |
 | Elven Necklace Beads | |
 | Elven Ring | |
 | Elven Ring Piece | |
 | Recipe: Manticore Skin Gaiters | |
 | Recipe: Durable Metal Plate(100%) | |
 | Greater Antidote | |
 | Morning Star | |
 | Morning Star Head | |
 | Goat Head Staff | |
 | Goat Head Staff Head | |
 | Tarbar | |
 | Tarbar Head | |
 | Skull Breaker | |
 | Skull Breaker Head | |
 | Heavy Bone Club | |
 | Heavy Bone Club Head | |
 | Recipe: Mithril Stockings | |
 | Recipe: War Pick | |
 | Recipe: Oriharukon | |
 | Strengthened Long Bow | |
 | Strengthened Long Bow Shaft | |
 | Silver Nugget | |
 | Thread | |
 | Mithril Ore | |
 | Metallic Fiber | |
 | Recipe: Artisan's frame | |
 | Recipe: Claymore | |
 | Omen Beast's Eye Earring | |
 | Mithril Ring | |
 | Necklace of Darkness | |
 | Omen Beast's Eye Earring Gemstone | |
 | Mithril Ring Wire | |
 | Necklace of Darkness Gem | |
 | Light Crossbow | |
 | Light Crossbow Shaft | |
 | Greater Dye of Mental Strength <Men+2 Int-2> | |
 | Greater Dye of Mental Strength <Men+2 Wit-2> | |
 | Greater Dye of Wit <Wit+2 Int-2> | |
 | Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade C) | |
 | Kite Shield | |
 | Brigandine Helmet | |
 | Brigandine Shield | |
 | Kite Shield Fragment | |
 | Brigandine Helmet Design | |
 | Brigandine Shield Fragment | |
 | Priest Mace | |
 | Titan Hammer | |
 | Priest Mace Head | |
 | Titan Hammer Piece | |
 | Greater Dye of Constitution <Con+1 Dex-1> | |
 | Greater Dye of Dexterity <Dex+1 Str-1> | |
 | Greater Dye of Dexterity <Dex+1 Con-1> | |
 | Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade D) | |
 | Scallop Jamadhr | |
 | Scallop Jamadhr Edge | |
 | Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade C) | |
 | Mithril Boots | |
 | Chain Boots | |
 | Karmian Boots | |
 | Plated Leather Boots | |
 | Dwarven Chain Boots | |
 | Boots of Seal | |
 | Reinforced Mithril Gloves | |
 | Chain Gloves | |
 | Karmian Gloves | |
 | Mithril Boots Design | |
 | Chain Boots Part | |
 | Karmian Boots Fabric | |
 | Plate Leather Boot Lining | |
 | Dwarven Chain Boots Part | |
 | Boots of Seal Pattern | |
 | Reinforced Mithril Gloves Design | |
 | Chain Gloves Design | |
 | Karmian Gloves Fabric | |
 | Angel's Soul: C-Grade | |
 | Big Hammer | |
 | Battle Axe | |
 | Silver Axe | |
 | Skull Graver | |
 | Heavy Doom Hammer | |
 | Crystal Staff | |
 | Stick of Faith | |
 | Heavy Doom Axe | |
 | Big Hammer Head | |
 | Battle Axe Head | |
 | Silver Axe Head | |
 | Skull Graver Head | |
 | Heavy Doom Hammer Head | |
 | Crystal Staff Head | |
 | Stick of Faith Shaft | |
 | Heavy Doom Axe Blade | |
 | Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade C) | |