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Floran Village

Location Facts
  • Level: 30 - 80
Soulshot: No GradeSoulshot: No Grade
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
Spiritshot: No GradeSpiritshot: No Grade
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
Blessed Spiritshot: No GradeBlessed Spiritshot: No Grade
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
Compressed Package of Blessed Spiritshots: No GradeCompressed Package of Blessed Spiritshots: No Grade
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
17 325
Compressed Package of Spiritshots: No GradeCompressed Package of Spiritshots: No Grade
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
7 425
Compressed Package of Soulshots: No GradeCompressed Package of Soulshots: No Grade
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
3 450
Greater Compressed Package of Blessed Spiritshots:  No-gradeGreater Compressed Package of Blessed Spiritshots: No-grade
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
57 750
Greater Compressed Package of Spiritshots:  No-gradeGreater Compressed Package of Spiritshots: No-grade
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
24 750
Greater Compressed Package of Soulshots: No-gradeGreater Compressed Package of Soulshots: No-grade
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
11 550
Wooden ArrowWooden Arrow
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
Bone ArrowBone Arrow
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
Fine Steel ArrowFine Steel Arrow
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
Lesser Healing PotionLesser Healing Potion
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
Healing PotionHealing Potion
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
Greater AntidoteGreater Antidote
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
Emergency DressingEmergency Dressing
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
Haste PotionHaste Potion
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
1 800
Potion of AlacrityPotion of Alacrity
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
3 600
Magic Haste PotionMagic Haste Potion
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
3 600
Waking ScrollWaking Scroll
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
Scroll of EscapeScroll of Escape
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
Scroll of ResurrectionScroll of Resurrection
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
3 000
Scroll of Escape: Clan HallScroll of Escape: Clan Hall
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
Spirit OreSpirit Ore
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
Soul OreSoul Ore
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
Energy StoneEnergy Stone
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
Thief KeyThief Key
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
1 500
Rope of Magic: D-GradeRope of Magic: D-Grade
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
Rope of Magic: C-GradeRope of Magic: C-Grade
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
Rope of Magic: B-GradeRope of Magic: B-Grade
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
Gemstone DGemstone D
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
1 500
Scroll: Recovery (No Grade)Scroll: Recovery (No Grade)
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
3 000
Scroll: Recovery (Grade D)Scroll: Recovery (Grade D)
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
7 200
Scroll: Recovery (Grade C)Scroll: Recovery (Grade C)
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
21 000
Scroll: Recovery (Grade B)Scroll: Recovery (Grade B)
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
42 000
Elixir of Life (No Grade)Elixir of Life (No Grade)
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
1 950
Elixir of Life (D-Grade)Elixir of Life (D-Grade)
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
5 175
Elixir of Life (C-Grade)Elixir of Life (C-Grade)
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
10 800
Elixir of Mental Strength (D-Grade)Elixir of Mental Strength (D-Grade)
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
5 100
Elixir of CP (No Grade)Elixir of CP (No Grade)
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
Elixir of CP (D-Grade)Elixir of CP (D-Grade)
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
2 100
Elixir of CP (C-Grade)Elixir of CP (C-Grade)
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
4 500
Elixir of CP (B-Grade)Elixir of CP (B-Grade)
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
6 000
Summoning CrystalSummoning Crystal
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
52 500
Dice (Heart)Dice (Heart)
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
Dice (Spade)Dice (Spade)
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
Dice (Clover)Dice (Clover)
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
Dice (Diamond)Dice (Diamond)
Grocer Pano Lvl. 70
Green Colored Lure - For BeginnersGreen Colored Lure - For Beginners75
Purple Colored Lure - For BeginnersPurple Colored Lure - For Beginners105
Yellow Colored Lure - For BeginnersYellow Colored Lure - For Beginners90
Green Colored Lure Green Colored Lure 180
Purple Colored LurePurple Colored Lure270
Yellow Colored LureYellow Colored Lure225
Green Luminous LureGreen Luminous Lure180
Purple Luminous LurePurple Luminous Lure270
Yellow Luminous LureYellow Luminous Lure225
Prize-Winning Fishing LurePrize-Winning Fishing Lure360
Prize-Winning Night Fishing LurePrize-Winning Night Fishing Lure360
Prize-Winning Novice Fishing LurePrize-Winning Novice Fishing Lure150
Baby Duck RodBaby Duck Rod45 000
Albatross RodAlbatross Rod150 000
Pelican RodPelican Rod600 000
KingFisher RodKingFisher Rod1 800 000
Cygnus PoleCygnus Pole6 000 000
Triton PoleTriton Pole15 000 000
Fishing ManualFishing Manual150
Fisherman's Potion - GreenFisherman's Potion - Green7 500
Fisherman's Potion - JadeFisherman's Potion - Jade7 500
Fisherman's Potion - BlueFisherman's Potion - Blue7 500
Fisherman's Potion - YellowFisherman's Potion - Yellow7 500
Fisherman's Potion - OrangeFisherman's Potion - Orange7 500
Fisherman's Potion - PurpleFisherman's Potion - Purple7 500
Fisherman's Potion - RedFisherman's Potion - Red7 500
Fisherman's Potion - WhiteFisherman's Potion - White7 500
Fishing PotionFishing Potion7 500