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Forest of Outlaw

Location Facts
  • Level: 50 - 56
Great PataGreat Pata
Oel Mahum Lvl. 53
Great Pata BladeGreat Pata Blade
Oel Mahum Lvl. 53
Animal SkinAnimal Skin
Oel Mahum Lvl. 53, Hunter Gargoyle Lvl. 52
Animal BoneAnimal Bone
Oel Mahum Lvl. 53, Hunter Gargoyle Lvl. 52
Oel Mahum Lvl. 53
Crafted LeatherCrafted Leather
Oel Mahum Lvl. 53
Oel Mahum Lvl. 53
Recipe: Soulshot: B-GradeRecipe: Soulshot: B-Grade
Oel Mahum Lvl. 53
Recipe: Blessed Spiritshot (B) Compressed Package (100%)Recipe: Blessed Spiritshot (B) Compressed Package (100%)
Oel Mahum Lvl. 53, Oel Mahum Warrior Lvl. 54
Recipe: Silver ArrowRecipe: Silver Arrow
Oel Mahum Lvl. 53, Oel Mahum Warrior Lvl. 54
Recipe: Blessed Spiritshot BRecipe: Blessed Spiritshot B
Oel Mahum Lvl. 53
Recipe: Greater Blessed Spiritshot (B) Compressed Package(100%)Recipe: Greater Blessed Spiritshot (B) Compressed Package(100%)
Oel Mahum Lvl. 53
Deluxe Chest Key - Grade 5Deluxe Chest Key - Grade 5
Oel Mahum Lvl. 53
Earring of BindingEarring of Binding
Earring of Binding GemstoneEarring of Binding Gemstone
Necklace of MermaidNecklace of Mermaid
Necklace of Mermaid TeardropNecklace of Mermaid Teardrop
Ring of AgesRing of Ages
Ring of Ages GemstoneRing of Ages Gemstone
Coarse Bone PowderCoarse Bone Powder
Stone of PurityStone of Purity
Mold HardenerMold Hardener
Greater Dye of Constitution <Con+3 Dex-3>Greater Dye of Constitution <Con+3 Dex-3>
Greater Dye of Mental Strength <Men+3 Int-3>Greater Dye of Mental Strength <Men+3 Int-3>
Recipe: Full Plate BootsRecipe: Full Plate Boots
Recipe: Eminence BowRecipe: Eminence Bow
Composite BootsComposite Boots
Composite Boots PartComposite Boots Part
Mithril GauntletsMithril Gauntlets
Mithril Gauntlets DesignMithril Gauntlets Design
Silver NuggetSilver Nugget
Metallic ThreadMetallic Thread
Compound BraidCompound Braid
Recipe: Full Plate ArmorRecipe: Full Plate Armor
Recipe: Full Plate ShieldRecipe: Full Plate Shield
Fine Steel ArrowFine Steel Arrow
Caliburs EdgeCaliburs Edge
Sword of DelusionSword of Delusion
Delusional BladeDelusional Blade
Tsurugi BladeTsurugi Blade
Homunkulus's SwordHomunkulus's Sword
Homunkulus's Sword BladeHomunkulus's Sword Blade
Sword of NightmareSword of Nightmare
Sword of Nightmare BladeSword of Nightmare Blade
Sword of Whispering DeathSword of Whispering Death
Sword of Whispering Death BladeSword of Whispering Death Blade
Iron OreIron Ore
Durable Metal PlateDurable Metal Plate
Recipe: Maestro HolderRecipe: Maestro Holder
Recipe: Maestro Anvil LockRecipe: Maestro Anvil Lock
Greater Healing PotionGreater Healing Potion
Samurai LongswordSamurai Longsword
Samurai Longsword BladeSamurai Longsword Blade
Berserker BladeBerserker Blade
Berserker Blade EdgeBerserker Blade Edge
Oriharukon OreOriharukon Ore
Mold GlueMold Glue
Recipe: Avadon Leather ArmorRecipe: Avadon Leather Armor
Recipe: Sprite's StaffRecipe: Sprite's Staff
Grace DaggerGrace Dagger
Grace Dagger EdgeGrace Dagger Edge
Dark ScreamerDark Screamer
Dark Screamer EdgeDark Screamer Edge
Blue Wolf Leather ArmorBlue Wolf Leather Armor
Leather Armor of DoomLeather Armor of Doom
Blue Wolf Leather Armor TextureBlue Wolf Leather Armor Texture
Leather Armor of Doom DesignLeather Armor of Doom Design
Egg of Earth: B-Grade Egg of Earth: B-Grade
Destruction TombstoneDestruction Tombstone
Bellion CestusBellion Cestus
Bellion Cestus EdgeBellion Cestus Edge
Greater Dye of Constitution <Con+4 Dex-4>Greater Dye of Constitution <Con+4 Dex-4>
Greater Dye of Dexterity <Dex+4 Str-4>Greater Dye of Dexterity <Dex+4 Str-4>
Greater Dye of Dexterity <Dex+4 Con-4>Greater Dye of Dexterity <Dex+4 Con-4>
Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade B)Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade B)