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Forest of the Dead

Location Facts
  • Level: 63 - 71
Recipe: Mithril Arrow (100%)Recipe: Mithril Arrow (100%)
Tunic of Doom PatternTunic of Doom Pattern
Corrupted Knight Lvl. 63, Bone Maker Lvl. 66
Recipe: Greater Soulshot (A) Compressed Package(100%)Recipe: Greater Soulshot (A) Compressed Package(100%)
Blue Wolf Stockings PatternBlue Wolf Stockings Pattern
Metallic ThreadMetallic Thread
Recipe: Sealed Phoenix Necklace(70%)Recipe: Sealed Phoenix Necklace(70%)
Corrupted Guard Lvl. 64, Corrupted Guard Lvl. 64, Bone Maker Lvl. 66
Ring of Black Ore GemstoneRing of Black Ore Gemstone
Recipe: Sealed Phoenix Earring(70%)Recipe: Sealed Phoenix Earring(70%)
Corrupted Guard Lvl. 64, Corrupted Guard Lvl. 64, Bone Maker Lvl. 66
Recipe: Dasparion's Staff(60%)Recipe: Dasparion's Staff(60%)
Blue Wolf Gaiters MaterialBlue Wolf Gaiters Material
Recipe: Sealed Tallum Tunic(60%)Recipe: Sealed Tallum Tunic(60%)
Trampled Man Lvl. 65, Trampled Man Lvl. 65
Metallic FiberMetallic Fiber
Trampled Man Lvl. 65, Trampled Man Lvl. 65
Blue Wolf Leather Armor TextureBlue Wolf Leather Armor Texture
Recipe: Sealed Tallum Stockings(60%)Recipe: Sealed Tallum Stockings(60%)
Leather Armor of Doom DesignLeather Armor of Doom Design
Recipe: Tallum Blade(60%)Recipe: Tallum Blade(60%)
Bone Snatcher Lvl. 66, Bone Snatcher Lvl. 66
Mold LubricantMold Lubricant
Bone Shaper Lvl. 66
Stone of PurityStone of Purity
Bone Shaper Lvl. 66
Deadman's Glory StoneDeadman's Glory Stone
Recipe: Blessed Spiritshot ARecipe: Blessed Spiritshot A
Art of Battle Axe BladeArt of Battle Axe Blade
Recipe: Soulshot (A) Compressed Package (100%)Recipe: Soulshot (A) Compressed Package (100%)
Evil Spirit HeadEvil Spirit Head
Metal HardenerMetal Hardener
Demon's Sword EdgeDemon's Sword Edge
Recipe: Spiritshot (A) Compressed Package (100%)Recipe: Spiritshot (A) Compressed Package (100%)
Bellion Cestus EdgeBellion Cestus Edge
Recipe: Blessed Spiritshot (A) Compressed Package (100%)Recipe: Blessed Spiritshot (A) Compressed Package (100%)
Bow of Peril ShaftBow of Peril Shaft
Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate PatternSealed Dark Crystal Breastplate Pattern
Recipe: Dark Legion's Edge(60%)Recipe: Dark Legion's Edge(60%)
Sealed Tallum Plate Armor PatternSealed Tallum Plate Armor Pattern
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade A)Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade A)
Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters PatternSealed Dark Crystal Gaiters Pattern
Bone Slayer Lvl. 68
Recipe: Sword of Miracles(60%)Recipe: Sword of Miracles(60%)
Bone Slayer Lvl. 68, Bone Sweeper Lvl. 69, Bone Caster Lvl. 71
Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet DesignSealed Dark Crystal Helmet Design
Bone Slayer Lvl. 68
Recipe: Sealed Majestic Necklace(70%)Recipe: Sealed Majestic Necklace(70%)
Devil Bat Lvl. 68, Devil Bat Lvl. 68, Atrox Lvl. 69, Bone Puppeteer Lvl. 71
Sealed Tallum Helm DesignSealed Tallum Helm Design
Devil Bat Lvl. 68, Devil Bat Lvl. 68
Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade A)Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade A)
Devil Bat Lvl. 68, Devil Bat Lvl. 68, Atrox Lvl. 69, Bone Puppeteer Lvl. 71
Halberd EdgeHalberd Edge
Dasparion's Staff EdgeDasparion's Staff Edge
Elemental Sword EdgeElemental Sword Edge
Bone Sweeper Lvl. 69
Tallum Blade EdgeTallum Blade Edge
Bone Sweeper Lvl. 69
Sealed Phoenix Earring GemstoneSealed Phoenix Earring Gemstone
Atrox Lvl. 69
Recipe: Soul Separator(60%)Recipe: Soul Separator(60%)
Bone Grinder Lvl. 70, Bone Grinder Lvl. 70
Sealed Dark Crystal Shield FragmentSealed Dark Crystal Shield Fragment
Bone Grinder Lvl. 70, Bone Grinder Lvl. 70, Bone Puppeteer Lvl. 71
Recipe: Dragon Grinder(60%)Recipe: Dragon Grinder(60%)
Sealed Tallum Boots LiningSealed Tallum Boots Lining
Recipe: Tallum Glaive(60%)Recipe: Tallum Glaive(60%)
Sealed Dark Crystalline Leggings DesignSealed Dark Crystalline Leggings Design
Sealed Tallum Tunic TextureSealed Tallum Tunic Texture
Mithril OreMithril Ore
Sealed Dark Crystal Robe FabricSealed Dark Crystal Robe Fabric
Bone Caster Lvl. 71
Sealed Tallum Stockings FabricSealed Tallum Stockings Fabric
Bone Caster Lvl. 71
Mold HardenerMold Hardener
Sealed Dark Crystal Boots LiningSealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining
Recipe: Sealed Majestic Earring(70%)Recipe: Sealed Majestic Earring(70%)
Requiem Lord Lvl. 68, Requiem Priest Lvl. 71
Carnage Bow StaveCarnage Bow Stave
Requiem Lord Lvl. 68
Recipe: Sealed Majestic Ring(70%)Recipe: Sealed Majestic Ring(70%)
Requiem Lord Lvl. 68, Requiem Priest Lvl. 71