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Ivory Tower

Location Facts
  • Level: 40 - 80
Journeyman's StaffJourneyman's Staff
Trader Rex Lvl. 70
156 400
Relic of The SaintsRelic of The Saints
Trader Rex Lvl. 70
156 400
Mage StaffMage Staff
Trader Rex Lvl. 70
280 600
Crucifix of BlessingCrucifix of Blessing
Trader Rex Lvl. 70
280 600
Voodoo DollVoodoo Doll
Trader Rex Lvl. 70
280 600
Bone StaffBone Staff
Trader Rex Lvl. 70
470 350
Scroll of WisdomScroll of Wisdom
Trader Rex Lvl. 70
470 350
 Priest Sword Priest Sword
Trader Rex Lvl. 70
362 250
Branch of LifeBranch of Life
Trader Rex Lvl. 70
470 350
Proof of RevengeProof of Revenge
Trader Rex Lvl. 70
470 350
Mace of PrayerMace of Prayer
Trader Rex Lvl. 70
740 600
Doom HammerDoom Hammer
Trader Rex Lvl. 70
740 600
Mystic StaffMystic Staff
Trader Rex Lvl. 70
740 600
Staff of ManaStaff of Mana
Trader Rex Lvl. 70
740 600
Divine TomeDivine Tome
Trader Rex Lvl. 70
740 600
Sword of MagicSword of Magic
Trader Rex Lvl. 70
823 400
Sword of MysticSword of Mystic
Trader Rex Lvl. 70
823 400
Sword of OccultSword of Occult
Trader Rex Lvl. 70
823 400
Dagger of ManaDagger of Mana
Trader Rex Lvl. 70
1 112 050
Mystic KnifeMystic Knife
Trader Rex Lvl. 70
1 112 050
Conjurer's KnifeConjurer's Knife
Trader Rex Lvl. 70
1 112 050
Shilen KnifeShilen Knife
Trader Rex Lvl. 70
1 112 050
Staff of MagicStaff of Magic
Trader Rex Lvl. 70
1 112 050
Blood of SaintsBlood of Saints
Trader Rex Lvl. 70
1 112 050
Tome of BloodTome of Blood
Trader Rex Lvl. 70
1 112 050
Goat Head StaffGoat Head Staff
Trader Rex Lvl. 70
1 610 000
Sword of Magic FogSword of Magic Fog
Trader Rex Lvl. 70
1 235 100
 Priest Mace Priest Mace
Trader Rex Lvl. 70
1 235 100
Crucifix of BloodCrucifix of Blood
Trader Rex Lvl. 70
1 610 000
Demon FangsDemon Fangs
Trader Rex Lvl. 70
1 748 000
Stockings of DevotionStockings of Devotion
Trader Ian Lvl. 70
14 605
Tunic of DevotionTunic of Devotion
Trader Ian Lvl. 70
23 345
Stockings of MagicStockings of Magic
Trader Ian Lvl. 70
26 450
Tunic of MagicTunic of Magic
Trader Ian Lvl. 70
42 435
Cursed StockingsCursed Stockings
Trader Ian Lvl. 70
44 965
Cursed TunicCursed Tunic
Trader Ian Lvl. 70
71 990
Dark StockingsDark Stockings
Trader Ian Lvl. 70
71 875
White TunicWhite Tunic
Trader Ian Lvl. 70
114 885
Mystic's StockingsMystic's Stockings
Trader Ian Lvl. 70
71 875
Mystic's TunicMystic's Tunic
Trader Ian Lvl. 70
114 885
Stockings of KnowledgeStockings of Knowledge
Trader Ian Lvl. 70
109 480
Tunic of KnowledgeTunic of Knowledge
Trader Ian Lvl. 70
174 800
Mithril StockingsMithril Stockings
Trader Ian Lvl. 70
161 000
Mithril TunicMithril Tunic
Trader Ian Lvl. 70
257 600
Round ShieldRound Shield
Trader Ian Lvl. 70
8 176
Bone ShieldBone Shield
Trader Ian Lvl. 70
14 835
Bronze ShieldBronze Shield
Trader Ian Lvl. 70
25 185
Trader Ian Lvl. 70
40 250
Trader Ian Lvl. 70
61 295
Kite ShieldKite Shield
Trader Ian Lvl. 70
90 160
Leather GlovesLeather Gloves
Trader Ian Lvl. 70
7 785
Trader Ian Lvl. 70
14 145
Crafted Leather GlovesCrafted Leather Gloves
Trader Ian Lvl. 70
24 035
Leather GauntletsLeather Gauntlets
Trader Ian Lvl. 70
38 295
Trader Ian Lvl. 70
58 420
Rip GauntletsRip Gauntlets
Trader Ian Lvl. 70
85 905
Low BootsLow Boots
Trader Ian Lvl. 70
7 785
Trader Ian Lvl. 70
14 145
Leather BootsLeather Boots
Trader Ian Lvl. 70
24 035
Blue Buckskin BootsBlue Buckskin Boots
Trader Ian Lvl. 70
38 295
Iron BootsIron Boots
Trader Ian Lvl. 70
58 420
Boots of PowerBoots of Power
Trader Ian Lvl. 70
85 905
Leather HelmetLeather Helmet
Trader Ian Lvl. 70
11 730
Hard Leather HelmetHard Leather Helmet
Trader Ian Lvl. 70
21 160
Bone HelmetBone Helmet
Trader Ian Lvl. 70
35 995
Bronze HelmetBronze Helmet
Trader Ian Lvl. 70
57 500
Trader Ian Lvl. 70
87 630
Necklace of WisdomNecklace of Wisdom13 685
Blue Diamond NecklaceBlue Diamond Necklace24 495
Necklace of DevotionNecklace of Devotion41 285
Enchanted NecklaceEnchanted Necklace65 320
Near Forest NecklaceNear Forest Necklace98 555
Elven NecklaceElven Necklace143 750
Cat's Eye EarringCat's Eye Earring10 224
Coral EarringCoral Earring18 400
Red Crescent EarringRed Crescent Earring30 935
Enchanted EarringEnchanted Earring48 990
Tiger's Eye EarringTiger's Eye Earring73 945
Elven EarringElven Earring107 410
Ring of WisdomRing of Wisdom6 808
Blue Coral RingBlue Coral Ring12 305
Ring of DevotionRing of Devotion20 700
Enchanted RingEnchanted Ring32 660
Black Pearl RingBlack Pearl Ring49 220
Elven RingElven Ring71 645
Soulshot: No GradeSoulshot: No Grade8
Spiritshot: No GradeSpiritshot: No Grade17
Blessed Spiritshot: No GradeBlessed Spiritshot: No Grade40
Compressed Package of Blessed Spiritshots: No GradeCompressed Package of Blessed Spiritshots: No Grade13 282
Compressed Package of Spiritshots: No GradeCompressed Package of Spiritshots: No Grade5 693
Compressed Package of Soulshots: No GradeCompressed Package of Soulshots: No Grade2 645
Greater Compressed Package of Blessed Spiritshots:  No-gradeGreater Compressed Package of Blessed Spiritshots: No-grade44 275
Greater Compressed Package of Spiritshots:  No-gradeGreater Compressed Package of Spiritshots: No-grade18 975
Greater Compressed Package of Soulshots: No-gradeGreater Compressed Package of Soulshots: No-grade8 855
Wooden ArrowWooden Arrow2
Bone ArrowBone Arrow3
Fine Steel ArrowFine Steel Arrow6
Lesser Healing PotionLesser Healing Potion103
Healing PotionHealing Potion379
Greater AntidoteGreater Antidote207
Emergency DressingEmergency Dressing207
Haste PotionHaste Potion1 380
Potion of AlacrityPotion of Alacrity2 760
Magic Haste PotionMagic Haste Potion2 760
Waking ScrollWaking Scroll115
Scroll of EscapeScroll of Escape460
Scroll of ResurrectionScroll of Resurrection2 300
Scroll of Escape: Clan HallScroll of Escape: Clan Hall575
Scroll of Escape: CastleScroll of Escape: Castle575
Energy StoneEnergy Stone115
Thief KeyThief Key1 150
Charm of Courage:  No GradeCharm of Courage: No Grade2 300
Charm of Courage: D-GradeCharm of Courage: D-Grade7 590
Charm of Courage: C-GradeCharm of Courage: C-Grade15 180
Charm of Courage: B-GradeCharm of Courage: B-Grade29 900
Charm of Courage: A-GradeCharm of Courage: A-Grade62 100
Charm of Courage: S-GradeCharm of Courage: S-Grade115 000
Dice (Heart)Dice (Heart)575
Dice (Spade)Dice (Spade)575
Dice (Clover)Dice (Clover)575
Dice (Diamond)Dice (Diamond)575
Spellbook: Defense AuraSpellbook: Defense Aura86
Spellbook: Attack AuraSpellbook: Attack Aura86
Spellbook: MightSpellbook: Might115
Spellbook: Battle HealSpellbook: Battle Heal115
Spellbook: Vampiric TouchSpellbook: Vampiric Touch115
Spellbook: Ice BoltSpellbook: Ice Bolt115
Spellbook: HealSpellbook: Heal115
Spellbook: Group Heal Spellbook: Group Heal 575
Spellbook: ShieldSpellbook: Shield575
Spellbook: Wind ShackleSpellbook: Wind Shackle575
Spellbook: Wind WalkSpellbook: Wind Walk575
Spellbook: Cure Poison Spellbook: Cure Poison 575
Spellbook: Flame StrikeSpellbook: Flame Strike575
Spellbook: Drain HealthSpellbook: Drain Health633
Spellbook: Elemental HealSpellbook: Elemental Heal633
Spellbook: Disrupt UndeadSpellbook: Disrupt Undead920
Spellbook: ResurrectionSpellbook: Resurrection920
Spellbook: BlazeSpellbook: Blaze920
Spellbook: Summon ShadowSpellbook: Summon Shadow920
Spellbook: Summon SilhouetteSpellbook: Summon Silhouette920
Spellbook: Summon Unicorn BoxerSpellbook: Summon Unicorn Boxer920
Spellbook: Summon Kat the CatSpellbook: Summon Kat the Cat920
Spellbook: Servitor HealSpellbook: Servitor Heal920
Spellbook: Aqua Swirl Spellbook: Aqua Swirl 920
Spellbook: AcumenSpellbook: Acumen920
Spellbook: Energy BoltSpellbook: Energy Bolt920
Spellbook: Aura BurnSpellbook: Aura Burn920
Spellbook: CharmSpellbook: Charm920
Spellbook: ConcentrationSpellbook: Concentration920
Spellbook: Kiss of EvaSpellbook: Kiss of Eva920
Spellbook: TwisterSpellbook: Twister920
Spellbook: PoisonSpellbook: Poison920
Spellbook: Poison RecoverySpellbook: Poison Recovery920
Spellbook: ConfusionSpellbook: Confusion1 323
Spellbook: Cure BleedingSpellbook: Cure Bleeding1 323
Spellbook: Dryad RootSpellbook: Dryad Root1 438
Spellbook: Mental ShieldSpellbook: Mental Shield1 438
Spellbook: Body To MindSpellbook: Body To Mind1 438
Spellbook: Shadow SparkSpellbook: Shadow Spark1 438
Spellbook: Surrender To EarthSpellbook: Surrender To Earth1 438
Spellbook: Surrender To FireSpellbook: Surrender To Fire1 438
Spellbook: Surrender To PoisonSpellbook: Surrender To Poison1 438
Spellbook: Summon Mew the CatSpellbook: Summon Mew the Cat1 438
Spellbook: Summon Unicorn MirageSpellbook: Summon Unicorn Mirage1 438
Spellbook: Servitor RechargeSpellbook: Servitor Recharge1 438
Spellbook: Solar SparkSpellbook: Solar Spark1 438
Spellbook: AgilitySpellbook: Agility1 438
Spellbook: EmpowerSpellbook: Empower1 438
Spellbook: Poisonous CloudSpellbook: Poisonous Cloud1 438
Spellbook: FocusSpellbook: Focus1 438
Spellbook: Holy WeaponSpellbook: Holy Weapon1 438
Spellbook: Divine HealSpellbook: Divine Heal1 782
Spellbook: Resist FireSpellbook: Resist Fire2 070
Spellbook: RechargeSpellbook: Recharge2 070
Spellbook: Vampiric RageSpellbook: Vampiric Rage2 070
Spellbook: SleepSpellbook: Sleep2 070
Spellbook: Corpse Life DrainSpellbook: Corpse Life Drain2 070
Spellbook: Decrease WeightSpellbook: Decrease Weight2 818
Spellbook: Resist PoisonSpellbook: Resist Poison2 818
Spellbook: RegenerationSpellbook: Regeneration2 818
Spellbook: Mighty ServitorSpellbook: Mighty Servitor2 818
Spellbook: Berserker SpiritSpellbook: Berserker Spirit2 818
Spellbook: Servitor Magic BoostSpellbook: Servitor Magic Boost2 818
Spellbook: SlowSpellbook: Slow2 818
Spellbook: Curse of ChaosSpellbook: Curse of Chaos2 818
Spellbook: Servitor Wind WalkSpellbook: Servitor Wind Walk2 818
Spellbook: PeaceSpellbook: Peace2 818
Spellbook: SprintSpellbook: Sprint2 990
Spellbook: EntangleSpellbook: Entangle2 990
Spellbook: Power BreakSpellbook: Power Break2 990
Spellbook: Freezing StrikeSpellbook: Freezing Strike2 990
Dye of Strength <Str+1 Con-3>Dye of Strength <Str+1 Con-3>5 865
Dye of Strength <Str+1 Dex-3>Dye of Strength <Str+1 Dex-3>5 865
Dye of Constitution <Con+1 Str-3>Dye of Constitution <Con+1 Str-3>5 865
Dye of Constitution <Con+1 Dex-3>Dye of Constitution <Con+1 Dex-3>5 865
Dye of Dexterity <Dex+1 Str-3>Dye of Dexterity <Dex+1 Str-3>5 865
Dye of Dexterity <Dex+1 Con-3>Dye of Dexterity <Dex+1 Con-3>5 865
Dye of Intelligence <Int+1 Men-3>Dye of Intelligence <Int+1 Men-3>5 865
Dye of Intelligence <Int+1 Wit-3>Dye of Intelligence <Int+1 Wit-3>5 865
Dye of Mental Strength <Men+1 Int-3>Dye of Mental Strength <Men+1 Int-3>5 865
Dye of Mental Strength <Men+1 Wit-3>Dye of Mental Strength <Men+1 Wit-3>5 865
Dye of Wit <Wit+1 Int-3>Dye of Wit <Wit+1 Int-3>5 865
Dye of Wit <Wit+1 Men-3>Dye of Wit <Wit+1 Men-3>5 865
Dye of Strength <Str+1 Con-2>Dye of Strength <Str+1 Con-2>13 800
Dye of Strength <Str+1 Dex-2>Dye of Strength <Str+1 Dex-2>13 800
Dye of Constitution <Con+1 Str-2>Dye of Constitution <Con+1 Str-2>13 800
Dye of Constitution <Con+1 Dex-2>Dye of Constitution <Con+1 Dex-2>13 800
Dye of Dexterity <Dex+1 Str-2>Dye of Dexterity <Dex+1 Str-2>13 800
Dye of Dexterity <Dex+1 Con-2>Dye of Dexterity <Dex+1 Con-2>13 800
Dye of Intelligence <Int+1 Men-2>Dye of Intelligence <Int+1 Men-2>13 800
Dye of Intelligence <Int+1 Wit-2>Dye of Intelligence <Int+1 Wit-2>13 800
Dye of Mental Strength <Men+1 Int-2>Dye of Mental Strength <Men+1 Int-2>13 800
Dye of Mental Strength <Men+1 Wit-2>Dye of Mental Strength <Men+1 Wit-2>13 800
Dye of Wit <Wit+1 Int-2>Dye of Wit <Wit+1 Int-2>13 800
Dye of Wit <Wit+1 Men-2>Dye of Wit <Wit+1 Men-2>13 800
Greater Dye of Strength <Str+1 Con-3>Greater Dye of Strength <Str+1 Con-3>13 800
Greater Dye of Strength <Str+1 Dex-3>Greater Dye of Strength <Str+1 Dex-3>13 800
Greater Dye of Constitution<Con+1 Str-3>Greater Dye of Constitution<Con+1 Str-3>13 800
Greater Dye of Constitution<Con+1 Dex-3>Greater Dye of Constitution<Con+1 Dex-3>13 800
Greater Dye of Dexterity <Dex+1 Str-3>Greater Dye of Dexterity <Dex+1 Str-3>13 800
Greater Dye of Dexterity <Dex+1 Con-3>Greater Dye of Dexterity <Dex+1 Con-3>13 800
Greater Dye of Intelligence <Int+1 Men-3>Greater Dye of Intelligence <Int+1 Men-3>13 800
Greater Dye of Intelligence <Int+1 Wit-3>Greater Dye of Intelligence <Int+1 Wit-3>13 800
Greater Dye of Mental Strength <Men+1 Int-3>Greater Dye of Mental Strength <Men+1 Int-3>13 800
Greater Dye of Mental Strength <Men+1 Wit-3>Greater Dye of Mental Strength <Men+1 Wit-3>13 800
Greater Dye of Wit <Wit+1 Int-3>Greater Dye of Wit <Wit+1 Int-3>13 800
Greater Dye of Wit <Wit+1 Men-3>Greater Dye of Wit <Wit+1 Men-3>13 800
Greater Dye of Strength <Str+1 Con-2>Greater Dye of Strength <Str+1 Con-2>24 150
Greater Dye of Strength <Str+1 Dex-2>Greater Dye of Strength <Str+1 Dex-2>24 150
Greater Dye of Constitution <Con+1 Str-2>Greater Dye of Constitution <Con+1 Str-2>24 150
Greater Dye of Constitution <Con+1 Dex-2>Greater Dye of Constitution <Con+1 Dex-2>24 150
Greater Dye of Dexterity <Dex+1 Str-2>Greater Dye of Dexterity <Dex+1 Str-2>24 150
Greater Dye of Dexterity <Dex+1 Con-2>Greater Dye of Dexterity <Dex+1 Con-2>24 150
Greater Dye of Intelligence <Int+1 Men-2>Greater Dye of Intelligence <Int+1 Men-2>24 150
Greater Dye of Intelligence <Int+1 Wit-2>Greater Dye of Intelligence <Int+1 Wit-2>24 150
Greater Dye of Mental Strength <Men+1 Int-2>Greater Dye of Mental Strength <Men+1 Int-2>24 150
Greater Dye of Mental Strength <Men+1 Wit-2>Greater Dye of Mental Strength <Men+1 Wit-2>24 150
Greater Dye of Wit <Wit+1 Int-2>Greater Dye of Wit <Wit+1 Int-2>24 150
Greater Dye of Wit <Wit+1 Men-2>Greater Dye of Wit <Wit+1 Men-2>24 150
Greater Dye of Strength <Str+2 Con-4>Greater Dye of Strength <Str+2 Con-4>28 290
Greater Dye of Strength <Str+2 Dex-4>Greater Dye of Strength <Str+2 Dex-4>28 290
Greater Dye of Constitution <Con+2 Str-4>Greater Dye of Constitution <Con+2 Str-4>28 290
Greater Dye of Constitution <Con+2 Dex-4>Greater Dye of Constitution <Con+2 Dex-4>28 290
Greater Dye of Dexterity <Dex+2 Str-4>Greater Dye of Dexterity <Dex+2 Str-4>28 290
Greater Dye of Dexterity <Dex+2 Con-4>Greater Dye of Dexterity <Dex+2 Con-4>28 290
Greater Dye of Intelligence <Int+2 Men-4>Greater Dye of Intelligence <Int+2 Men-4>28 290
Greater Dye of Intelligence <Int+2 Wit-4>Greater Dye of Intelligence <Int+2 Wit-4>28 290
Greater Dye of Mental Strength <Men+2 Int-4>Greater Dye of Mental Strength <Men+2 Int-4>28 290
Greater Dye of Mental Strength <Men+2 Wit-4>Greater Dye of Mental Strength <Men+2 Wit-4>28 290
Greater Dye of Wit <Wit+2 Int-4>Greater Dye of Wit <Wit+2 Int-4>28 290
Greater Dye of Wit <Wit+2 Men-4>Greater Dye of Wit <Wit+2 Men-4>28 290
Greater Dye of Strength <Str+2 Con-3>Greater Dye of Strength <Str+2 Con-3>31 050
Greater Dye of Strength <Str+2 Dex-3>Greater Dye of Strength <Str+2 Dex-3>31 050
Greater Dye of Constitution <Con+2 Str-3>Greater Dye of Constitution <Con+2 Str-3>31 050
Greater Dye of Constitution <Con+2 Dex-3>Greater Dye of Constitution <Con+2 Dex-3>31 050
Greater Dye of Dexterity <Dex+2 Str-3>Greater Dye of Dexterity <Dex+2 Str-3>31 050
Greater Dye of Dexterity <Dex+2 Con-3>Greater Dye of Dexterity <Dex+2 Con-3>31 050
Greater Dye of Intelligence <Int+2 Men-3>Greater Dye of Intelligence <Int+2 Men-3>31 050
Greater Dye of Intelligence <Int+2 Wit-3>Greater Dye of Intelligence <Int+2 Wit-3>31 050
Greater Dye of Mental Strength <Men+2 Int-3>Greater Dye of Mental Strength <Men+2 Int-3>31 050
Greater Dye of Mental Strength <Men+2 Wit-3>Greater Dye of Mental Strength <Men+2 Wit-3>31 050
Greater Dye of Wit <Wit+2 Int-3>Greater Dye of Wit <Wit+2 Int-3>31 050
Greater Dye of Wit <Wit+2 Men-3>Greater Dye of Wit <Wit+2 Men-3>31 050
Greater Dye of Strength <Str+3 Con-5>Greater Dye of Strength <Str+3 Con-5>34 500
Greater Dye of Strength <Str+3 Dex-5>Greater Dye of Strength <Str+3 Dex-5>34 500
Greater Dye of Constitution <Con+3 Str-5>Greater Dye of Constitution <Con+3 Str-5>34 500
Greater Dye of Constitution <Con+3 Dex-5>Greater Dye of Constitution <Con+3 Dex-5>34 500
Greater Dye of Dexterity <Dex+3 Str-5>Greater Dye of Dexterity <Dex+3 Str-5>34 500
Greater Dye of Dexterity <Dex+3 Con-5>Greater Dye of Dexterity <Dex+3 Con-5>34 500
Greater Dye of Intelligence <Int+3 Men-5>Greater Dye of Intelligence <Int+3 Men-5>34 500
Greater Dye of Intelligence <Int+3 Wit-5>Greater Dye of Intelligence <Int+3 Wit-5>34 500
Greater Dye of Mental Strength <Men+3 Int-5>Greater Dye of Mental Strength <Men+3 Int-5>34 500
Greater Dye of Mental Strength <Men+3 Wit-5>Greater Dye of Mental Strength <Men+3 Wit-5>34 500
Greater Dye of Wit <Wit+3 Int-5>Greater Dye of Wit <Wit+3 Int-5>34 500
Greater Dye of Wit <Wit+3 Men-5>Greater Dye of Wit <Wit+3 Men-5>34 500
Greater Dye of Strength <Str+3 Con-4>Greater Dye of Strength <Str+3 Con-4>34 500
Greater Dye of Strength <Str+3 Dex-4>Greater Dye of Strength <Str+3 Dex-4>34 500
Greater Dye of Constitution <Con+3 Str-4>Greater Dye of Constitution <Con+3 Str-4>34 500
Greater Dye of Constitution <Con+3 Dex-4>Greater Dye of Constitution <Con+3 Dex-4>34 500
Greater Dye of Dexterity <Dex+3 Str-4>Greater Dye of Dexterity <Dex+3 Str-4>34 500
Greater Dye of Dexterity <Dex+3 Con-4>Greater Dye of Dexterity <Dex+3 Con-4>34 500
Greater Dye of Intelligence <Int+3 Men-4>Greater Dye of Intelligence <Int+3 Men-4>34 500
Greater Dye of Intelligence <Int+3 Wit-4>Greater Dye of Intelligence <Int+3 Wit-4>34 500
Greater Dye of Mental Strength <Men+3 Int-4>Greater Dye of Mental Strength <Men+3 Int-4>34 500
Greater Dye of Mental Strength <Men+3 Wit-4>Greater Dye of Mental Strength <Men+3 Wit-4>34 500
Greater Dye of Wit <Wit+3 Int-4>Greater Dye of Wit <Wit+3 Int-4>34 500
Greater Dye of Wit <Wit+3 Men-4>Greater Dye of Wit <Wit+3 Men-4>34 500
Greater Dye of Strength <Str+4 Con-6>Greater Dye of Strength <Str+4 Con-6>41 400
Greater Dye of Strength <Str+4 Dex-6>Greater Dye of Strength <Str+4 Dex-6>41 400
Greater Dye of Constitution <Con+4 Str-6>Greater Dye of Constitution <Con+4 Str-6>41 400
Greater Dye of Constitution <Con+4 Dex-6>Greater Dye of Constitution <Con+4 Dex-6>41 400
Greater Dye of Dexterity <Dex+4 Str-6>Greater Dye of Dexterity <Dex+4 Str-6>41 400
Greater Dye of Dexterity <Dex+4 Con-6>Greater Dye of Dexterity <Dex+4 Con-6>41 400
Greater Dye of Intelligence <Int+4 Men-6>Greater Dye of Intelligence <Int+4 Men-6>41 400
Greater Dye of Intelligence <Int+4 Wit-6>Greater Dye of Intelligence <Int+4 Wit-6>41 400
Greater Dye of Mental Strength <Men+4 Int-6>Greater Dye of Mental Strength <Men+4 Int-6>41 400
Greater Dye of Mental Strength <Men+4 Wit-6>Greater Dye of Mental Strength <Men+4 Wit-6>41 400
Greater Dye of Wit <Wit+4 Int-6>Greater Dye of Wit <Wit+4 Int-6>41 400
Greater Dye of Wit <Wit+4 Men-6>Greater Dye of Wit <Wit+4 Men-6>41 400
Greater Dye of Strength <Str+4 Con-5>Greater Dye of Strength <Str+4 Con-5>41 400
Greater Dye of Strength <Str+4 Dex-5>Greater Dye of Strength <Str+4 Dex-5>41 400
Greater Dye of Constitution <Con+4 Str-5>Greater Dye of Constitution <Con+4 Str-5>41 400
Greater Dye of Constitution <Con+4 Dex-5>Greater Dye of Constitution <Con+4 Dex-5>41 400
Greater Dye of Dexterity <Dex+4 Str-5>Greater Dye of Dexterity <Dex+4 Str-5>41 400
Greater Dye of Dexterity <Dex+4 Con-5>Greater Dye of Dexterity <Dex+4 Con-5>41 400
Greater Dye of Intelligence <Int+4 Men-5>Greater Dye of Intelligence <Int+4 Men-5>41 400
Greater Dye of Intelligence <Int+4 Wit-5>Greater Dye of Intelligence <Int+4 Wit-5>41 400
Greater Dye of Mental Strength <Men+4 Int-5>Greater Dye of Mental Strength <Men+4 Int-5>41 400
Greater Dye of Mental Strength <Men+4 Wit-5>Greater Dye of Mental Strength <Men+4 Wit-5>41 400
Greater Dye of Wit <Wit+4 Int-5>Greater Dye of Wit <Wit+4 Int-5>41 400
Greater Dye of Wit <Wit+4 Men-5>Greater Dye of Wit <Wit+4 Men-5>41 400