HUDAbout Us

Town of Oren

Location Facts
  • Level: 42 - 80
Timak Orc Soldier Lvl. 42, Timak Orc Warrior Lvl. 43, Timak Orc Shaman Lvl. 44, Timak Orc Overlord Lvl. 45, Timak Orc Troop Leader Lvl. 45, Connabi Lvl. 54, Innersen Lvl. 60, Pobby Lvl. 57
Bonebreaker HeadBonebreaker Head
Atuba HammerAtuba Hammer
Atuba Hammer HeadAtuba Hammer Head
Ghost StaffGhost Staff
Ghost Staff HeadGhost Staff Head
Staff of LifeStaff of Life
Staff of Life ShaftStaff of Life Shaft
Atuba MaceAtuba Mace
Atuba Mace HeadAtuba Mace Head
Amulet: Freezing FlameAmulet: Freezing Flame
Amulet: Chant of EvasionAmulet: Chant of Evasion
Amulet: Seal of GloomAmulet: Seal of Gloom
Claymore BladeClaymore Blade
Elven Long SwordElven Long Sword
Elven Long Sword BladeElven Long Sword Blade
Amulet: Seal of MirageAmulet: Seal of Mirage
Amulet: Sight of PaagrioAmulet: Sight of Paagrio
Amulet: Chant of RageAmulet: Chant of Rage
Deluxe Chest Key - Grade 4Deluxe Chest Key - Grade 4
Big HammerBig Hammer
Big Hammer HeadBig Hammer Head
Battle AxeBattle Axe
Battle Axe HeadBattle Axe Head
Silver AxeSilver Axe
Silver Axe HeadSilver Axe Head
Skull GraverSkull Graver
Skull Graver HeadSkull Graver Head
Heavy Doom HammerHeavy Doom Hammer
Heavy Doom Hammer HeadHeavy Doom Hammer Head
Crystal StaffCrystal Staff
Crystal Staff HeadCrystal Staff Head
Stick of FaithStick of Faith
Stick of Faith ShaftStick of Faith Shaft
Heavy Doom AxeHeavy Doom Axe
Heavy Doom Axe BladeHeavy Doom Axe Blade
Amulet: Seal of FlameAmulet: Seal of Flame
Amulet: Seal of SilenceAmulet: Seal of Silence
Amulet: Chant of VampireAmulet: Chant of Vampire
Flamberge BladeFlamberge Blade
Stormbringer BladeStormbringer Blade
Amulet: Seal of SuspensionAmulet: Seal of Suspension
Amulet: Chant of FuryAmulet: Chant of Fury
Crystallized Ice BowCrystallized Ice Bow
Crystallized Ice Bow ShaftCrystallized Ice Bow Shaft
Stone of PurityStone of Purity
Mold LubricantMold Lubricant
Recipe: Demon's StockingsRecipe: Demon's Stockings
Recipe: StilettoRecipe: Stiletto
Recipe: Soulfire DirkRecipe: Soulfire Dirk
Full Plate ArmorFull Plate Armor
Connabi Lvl. 54
Full Plate Armor TemperFull Plate Armor Temper
Connabi Lvl. 54
Iron OreIron Ore
Connabi Lvl. 54, Pobby Lvl. 57
Connabi Lvl. 54, Pobby Lvl. 57
Connabi Lvl. 54
Durable Metal PlateDurable Metal Plate
Connabi Lvl. 54
Connabi Lvl. 54
Recipe: Zubei's HelmetRecipe: Zubei's Helmet
Connabi Lvl. 54
Recipe: Sprite's StaffRecipe: Sprite's Staff
Connabi Lvl. 54
Recipe: Zubei's Leather GaitersRecipe: Zubei's Leather Gaiters
Connabi Lvl. 54
Great AxeGreat Axe
Innersen Lvl. 60
Great Axe HeadGreat Axe Head
Innersen Lvl. 60
Spellbook: Aura SymphonySpellbook: Aura Symphony
Innersen Lvl. 60
Spellbook: InfernoSpellbook: Inferno
Innersen Lvl. 60
Spellbook: BlizzardSpellbook: Blizzard
Innersen Lvl. 60
Spellbook: Demon WindSpellbook: Demon Wind
Innersen Lvl. 60
Adamantite EarringAdamantite Earring
Pobby Lvl. 57
Adamantite Earing GemstoneAdamantite Earing Gemstone
Pobby Lvl. 57
Adamantite NecklaceAdamantite Necklace
Pobby Lvl. 57
Adamantite Necklace ChainAdamantite Necklace Chain
Pobby Lvl. 57
Adamantite RingAdamantite Ring
Pobby Lvl. 57
Adamantite Ring WireAdamantite Ring Wire
Pobby Lvl. 57
Braided HempBraided Hemp
Pobby Lvl. 57
Pobby Lvl. 57
Mold GlueMold Glue
Pobby Lvl. 57
Recipe: Zubei's Helmet (60%)Recipe: Zubei's Helmet (60%)
Pobby Lvl. 57
Recipe: Doom Boots (60%)Recipe: Doom Boots (60%)
Pobby Lvl. 57
Recipe: Kaim Vanul's Bones (100%)Recipe: Kaim Vanul's Bones (100%)
Pobby Lvl. 57