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Necropolis of Worship

Location Facts
  • Level: 42 - 51
Scallop JamadhrScallop Jamadhr
Scallop Jamadhr EdgeScallop Jamadhr Edge
Silver NuggetSilver Nugget
Metallic ThreadMetallic Thread
Compound BraidCompound Braid
Recipe: Karmian StockingsRecipe: Karmian Stockings
Recipe: Battle AxeRecipe: Battle Axe
Crystallized Ice BowCrystallized Ice Bow
Crystallized Ice Bow ShaftCrystallized Ice Bow Shaft
Iron OreIron Ore
Catacomb Liviona Lvl. 44, Lilim Magus Lvl. 51, Vault Overlord Lvl. 45
Durable Metal PlateDurable Metal Plate
Recipe: Earring of ProtectionRecipe: Earring of Protection
Waking ScrollWaking Scroll
Recipe: Knight's ShieldRecipe: Knight's Shield
Cursed DaggerCursed Dagger
Cursed Dagger BladeCursed Dagger Blade
Dark Elven DaggerDark Elven Dagger
Dark Elven Dagger EdgeDark Elven Dagger Edge
Mithril OreMithril Ore
Metallic FiberMetallic Fiber
Recipe: Robe of SealRecipe: Robe of Seal
Recipe: Shining CircletRecipe: Shining Circlet
Red Seal StoneRed Seal Stone
Lith Commander Lvl. 45, Lilim Butcher Lvl. 48, Lilim Magus Lvl. 51, Gigant Commander Lvl. 45, Nephilim Sentinel Lvl. 48, Nephilim Priest Lvl. 51
Green Seal StoneGreen Seal Stone
Lith Commander Lvl. 45, Lilim Butcher Lvl. 48, Lilim Magus Lvl. 51, Gigant Commander Lvl. 45, Nephilim Sentinel Lvl. 48, Nephilim Priest Lvl. 51
Blue Seal StoneBlue Seal Stone
Lith Commander Lvl. 45, Lilim Magus Lvl. 51, Gigant Commander Lvl. 45, Nephilim Priest Lvl. 51
Recipe: Ring of ProtectionRecipe: Ring of Protection
Recipe: Dwarven Chain GlovesRecipe: Dwarven Chain Gloves
Stiletto EdgeStiletto Edge
Soulfire DirkSoulfire Dirk
Soulfire Dirk BladeSoulfire Dirk Blade
Lilim Butcher Lvl. 48, Lilim Magus Lvl. 51, Nephilim Sentinel Lvl. 48
Adamantite NuggetAdamantite Nugget
Mold HardenerMold Hardener
Mold LubricantMold Lubricant
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade C)Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade C)
Heathen's BookHeathen's Book
Lilim Magus Lvl. 51, Nephilim Priest Lvl. 51
Heathen's Book PageHeathen's Book Page
Lilim Magus Lvl. 51, Nephilim Priest Lvl. 51
Lilim Magus Lvl. 51
Recipe: Drake Leather ArmorRecipe: Drake Leather Armor
Lilim Magus Lvl. 51, Nephilim Priest Lvl. 51
Recipe: Full Plate HelmetRecipe: Full Plate Helmet
Lilim Magus Lvl. 51
Greater Magic Haste PotionGreater Magic Haste Potion
Animal BoneAnimal Bone
Animal SkinAnimal Skin
Salamander Skin MailSalamander Skin Mail
Salamander Skin Mail TextureSalamander Skin Mail Texture
Recipe: Aquastone RingRecipe: Aquastone Ring
Recipe: Dwarven Chain BootsRecipe: Dwarven Chain Boots
Chain Mail ShirtChain Mail Shirt
Chain Mail Shirt MaterialChain Mail Shirt Material
Chain GaitersChain Gaiters
Chain Gaiters PartChain Gaiters Part
Recipe: Dwarven Chain Mail ShirtRecipe: Dwarven Chain Mail Shirt
Robe of SealRobe of Seal
Vault Priest Lvl. 47
Robe of Seal FabricRobe of Seal Fabric
Vault Priest Lvl. 47
Spellbook: Servitor CureSpellbook: Servitor Cure
Vault Priest Lvl. 47
Spellbook: Servitor EmpowermentSpellbook: Servitor Empowerment
Vault Priest Lvl. 47