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Will the Seal be Broken?

The Human has betrayed the secret that's kept Hierarch Mitraell sealed for centuries! Help Tettrarch Talloth break the seal that binds Mitraell!

Steps from the game client

  1. Preparation for a Ritual
    Dark Elven Tetrarch Talloth is continuing in the studies of the dark arts in order to break the seal that binds Mitraell, the leader of the Dark Elves. He asks that you to go to the school of the Dark Arts and bring him an Omen Beast's eye, a Taint Stone and Succubus Blood which are all needed to break the Seal. This being the first stage among three stages that binds the great leader. \\monsters to be hunted - Omen Beast, Tainted Zombies, Stink Zombies, Lesser Succubi, Lesser Succubus Turen and Lesser Succubus Tilfos
  2. Return to Tetrarch Talloth
    You have collected all the ingredients required for a spell. Return to Hierarch Talloth.
Quest Facts
  • Quest ID: 3
  • Repeat: No
  • Location:
  • Start NPC:
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