The legendary Pirate Captain Zaken left many legends and even more bodies in his wake! One story tells of his treasure, and it seems to be the one most people want to hear... Trader Espen can tell you more!
Adena x1000, and the quest will be over. Otherwise, go further through the dialogue, he will tell a fascinating story, and reveal the location of the treasure: you will be able to see it on your World Map (each time the treasure is in the same place). Note: Before you go for the treasure, make sure that you have
Thief Key with you. You will need it to open the chest.
Follow the area indicated by the carnation on your map, then dive into the water and swim to the bottom to the coral reef. Here you will see three aggressive Great White Shark right above the Pirate's Chest.
Open the Pirate's Chest, inside you will find a random set of things — usually adena and 1-2 items. By l2hub
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