Birthday Party Song
The beautiful weather has inspired Melody Maestro Octavia to finish a musical birthday piece. Will you help her to store it?
- Talk to Melody Maestro Octavia (Heine).
- Kill Roughly Hewn Rock Golem to collectRed Crystal x50.
- Return to Melody Maestro Octavia, and get reward: -Echo Crystal - Theme of Birthday x25
Steps from the game client
- Red CrystalMelody Maestro Octavia asks you to bring her some Red Crystals to hold a new song. Hunt Roughly-Hewn Rock Golems in the Floran Agricultural Area and bring back 50 Red Crystals. Monster to Hunt - Roughly-Hewn Rock GolemsItems:Red Crystal x50
- Return to OctaviaYou've collected 50 Red Crystals. Return to Octavia.Items:Red Crystal x50
Quest Facts
- Quest ID: 432
- Level: 31
- Repeat: Yes
- Location: Dion Castle Town
- Start NPC:
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