| Fatal Counter Shoots an arrow containing pain of user. More powerful effect at lower HP level. An equipped bow is required to use this skill. Power 2908. | 0/0 | 1 | A1 |
 | Fatal Counter Shoots an arrow containing pain of user. More powerful effect at lower HP level. An equipped bow is required to use this skill. Power 3030. | 0/0 | 2 | A1 |
 | Fatal Counter Shoots an arrow containing pain of user. More powerful effect at lower HP level. An equipped bow is required to use this skill. Power 3154. | 0/0 | 3 | A1 |
 | Fatal Counter Shoots an arrow containing pain of user. More powerful effect at lower HP level. An equipped bow is required to use this skill. Power 3280. | 0/0 | 4 | A1 |
 | Fatal Counter Shoots an arrow containing pain of user. More powerful effect at lower HP level. An equipped bow is required to use this skill. Power 3408. | 0/0 | 5 | A1 |
 | Fatal Counter Shoots an arrow containing pain of user. More powerful effect at lower HP level. An equipped bow is required to use this skill. Power 3537. | 0/0 | 6 | A1 |
 | Fatal Counter Shoots an arrow containing pain of user. More powerful effect at lower HP level. An equipped bow is required to use this skill. Power 3668. | 0/0 | 7 | A1 |
 | Fatal Counter Shoots an arrow containing pain of user. More powerful effect at lower HP level. An equipped bow is required to use this skill. Power 3800. | 0/0 | 8 | A1 |
 | Fatal Counter Shoots an arrow containing pain of user. More powerful effect at lower HP level. An equipped bow is required to use this skill. Power 3933. | 0/0 | 9 | A1 |
 | Fatal Counter Shoots an arrow containing pain of user. More powerful effect at lower HP level. An equipped bow is required to use this skill. Power 4067. | 0/0 | 10 | A1 |
 | Fatal Counter Shoots an arrow containing pain of user. More powerful effect at lower HP level. An equipped bow is required to use this skill. Power 4201. | 0/0 | 11 | A1 |
 | Fatal Counter Shoots an arrow containing pain of user. More powerful effect at lower HP level. An equipped bow is required to use this skill. Power 4336. | 0/0 | 12 | A1 |
 | Fatal Counter Shoots an arrow containing pain of user. More powerful effect at lower HP level. An equipped bow is required to use this skill. Power 4470. | 0/0 | 13 | A1 |
 | Fatal Counter Shoots an arrow containing pain of user. More powerful effect at lower HP level. An equipped bow is required to use this skill. Power 4604. | 0/0 | 14 | A1 |
 | Fatal Counter Shoots an arrow containing pain of user. More powerful effect at lower HP level. An equipped bow is required to use this skill. Power 4738. | 0/0 | 15 | A1 |
 | Fatal Counter Shoots an arrow containing pain of user. More powerful effect at lower HP level. An equipped bow is required to use this skill. Power 4870. | 0/0 | 16 | A1 |