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Усыпляющее Облако
Усыпляющее Облако
Instantly puts nearby enemies to sleep. If cast on a sleeping target, the spell has no effect.
Type: Active
Краткая информация
  • Skill ID: 1072
  • Skill Level: 3
  • Англ. название: Sleeping Cloud
  • Type: A2
  • MP Consume: 87
  • HP Consume: 0
Усыпляющее Облако
Instantly puts nearby enemies to sleep. If cast on a sleeping target, the spell has no effect.
Усыпляющее Облако
Instantly puts nearby enemies to sleep. If cast on a sleeping target, the spell has no effect.
Усыпляющее Облако
Instantly puts nearby enemies to sleep. If cast on a sleeping target, the spell has no effect.
Усыпляющее Облако
Instantly puts nearby enemies to sleep. If cast on a sleeping target, the spell has no effect.
Усыпляющее Облако
Instantly puts nearby enemies to sleep. If cast on a sleeping target, the spell has no effect.