![](/s/icons-gf/skill1078.png) | Концентрация Temporarily lowers the probability of magic being canceled due to damage taken taken. Effect 1. | 20/0 | 1 | A2 |
![](/s/icons-gf/skill1078.png) | Концентрация Temporarily lowers the probability of magic being canceled due to damage taken taken. Effect 2. | 27/0 | 2 | A2 |
![](/s/icons-gf/skill1078.png) | Концентрация Temporarily lowers the probability of magic being canceled due to damage taken taken. Effect 3. | 39/0 | 3 | A2 |
![](/s/icons-gf/skill1078.png) | Концентрация Temporarily lowers the probability of magic being canceled due to damage taken taken. Effect 4. | 48/0 | 4 | A2 |
![](/s/icons-gf/skill1078.png) | Концентрация Temporarily lowers the probability of magic being canceled due to damage taken taken. Effect 5. | 55/0 | 5 | A2 |
![](/s/icons-gf/skill1078.png) | Концентрация Temporarily lowers the probability of magic being canceled due to damage taken taken. Effect 6. | 64/0 | 6 | A2 |