HUDAbout Us

Town of Dion

Location Facts
  • Level: 20 - 80
Christmas Tree70490Angel
Huge Cursed Pig80Animal
Huge Cursed Pig80Animal
Golden Cursed Pig80Animal
Alchemist's Chest80Construct
Treasure Chest21Construct
Treasure Chest24Construct
Tumran Bugbear231054NOGiant
Dion Grizzly20706NOAnimal
Dire Wolf241145YESAnimal
Ol Mahum Ranger221271NOHumanoid
Monster Eye Searcher221833NOConstruct
Enku Orc Champion211113YESHumanoid
Watchman of the Plains301602YESConstruct
Roughly Hewn Rock Golem311677NOConstruct
Delu Lizardman Supplier322106NOHumanoid
Treasure Chest21631Construct
Treasure Chest24772Construct
Warehouse Freightman Aldo70Dwarf
Warehouse Keeper Holvas70Dwarf
Gatekeeper Trisha70Human
Trader Sabrin70Human
Trader Casey70Human
Trader Sonia70Human
Trader Lara70Human
Master Terry70Human
Master Arnelle70Human
Grand Master Pabris70Human
Priestess Glyvka70Human
Priest Shegfield70Elf
Magister Rollant70Human
High Priest Sylvain70Human
Captain Lucas80Human
Guard Metty80Human
Guard Jacob80Human
Guard Harlan80Human
Guard Xaber80Human
Guard Liam80Human
Blacksmith Poitan70Dwarf
Master Wandius70Elf
Master Cardien70Elf
Magister Mirien70Elf
Grand Master Tronix70Dark Elf
Master Ixia70Dark Elf
Magister Clayton70Dark Elf
Guard Herven80Human
Guard Bright80Human
High Prefect Castor70Orc
Prefect Dowki70Orc
Seer Somak70Orc
Warehouse Chief Ranspo70Dwarf
Head Blacksmith Opix70Dwarf
Bard Rukal70Elf
Gandi Chief Chianta70Orc
Sir Kiel Nighthawk70Dark Elf
Mercenary Captain Sophya70Human
Mercenary Redfoot70Human
Guildsman Morgan70Human
Pet Manager Waters70Human
Musician Nanarin70Dark Elf
Bard Swan70Human
Musician Barbado70Dwarf
Beer Chest70Others
Cloth Chest70Others
Lottery Ticket Seller70Human
Melody Maestro Octavia70Dwarf
Symbol Maker McDermott70Human
Priest of Dawn70Human
Dusk Priestess70Dark Elf
Black Marketeer of Mammon70Dwarf
Orator of Revelations70Construct
Preacher of Doom70Undead
Orator of Revelations70Construct
Preacher of Doom70Undead
Orator of Revelations70Construct
Preacher of Doom70Undead
Preacher of Doom70Undead
Event Gatekeeper70Elemental
Event Manager Orion the Cat70Elemental
Event Manager Roy the Cat70Elemental
Event Manager Winnie the Cat70Elemental
Event Manager Orion the Cat70Elemental
Spellbook Seller Rouke70Human
Blueprint Seller Shaling70Dwarf
Mineral Trader Gordo70Dwarf
Fishing Guild Member Lanosco70Human
Grand Olympiad Manager70Human
Monument of Heroes 70Others
Event Manager Beryl the Cat70Elemental
Adventure Guildsman70Dwarf
Adventure Guildsman70Human
Adventure Guildsman70Orc
Adventure Guildsman70Human
Event Manager70490Human
Event Manager Orion the Cat70490Elemental
Santa Trainee70490Dwarf
Adventure Guildsman Dion Territory Manager70Human
Event Manager Bonny70Dwarf
Alchemist's Servitor70Others
Dion Manor Manager70Human
Clan Hall Gatekeeper Borna70Human
Clan Hall Manager Ron70Human
Clan Hall Gatekeeper Jamal70Human
Clan Hall Manager Flynn70Human
Clan Hall Gatekeeper Jabilo70Human
Clan Hall Manager Seth70Human