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Plains of the Lizardmen

Location Facts
  • Level: 35 - 40
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade D)Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade D)
Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade D)Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade D)
Tiger's Eye EarringTiger's Eye Earring
Tiger's Eye Earring StoneTiger's Eye Earring Stone
Near Forest NecklaceNear Forest Necklace
Black Pearl RingBlack Pearl Ring
Animal BoneAnimal Bone
Animal SkinAnimal Skin
Coarse Bone PowderCoarse Bone Powder
Stone of PurityStone of Purity
Recipe: Elven EarringRecipe: Elven Earring
Recipe: Skull BreakerRecipe: Skull Breaker
Recipe: Goat Head StaffRecipe: Goat Head Staff
Gastraphetes ShaftGastraphetes Shaft
Silver NuggetSilver Nugget
Metallic ThreadMetallic Thread
Compound BraidCompound Braid
Recipe: TarbarRecipe: Tarbar
Waking ScrollWaking Scroll
Boots of PowerBoots of Power
Boots of Power PatternBoots of Power Pattern
Manticore Skin BootsManticore Skin Boots
Manticore Skin Boot LiningManticore Skin Boot Lining
Brigandine BootsBrigandine Boots
Brigandine Boots DesignBrigandine Boots Design
Elven Mithril BootsElven Mithril Boots
Elven Mithril Boots DesignElven Mithril Boots Design
Rip GauntletsRip Gauntlets
Rip Gauntlets PatternRip Gauntlets Pattern
Manticore Skin GlovesManticore Skin Gloves
Manticore Skin Gloves LiningManticore Skin Gloves Lining
Brigandine GauntletsBrigandine Gauntlets
Brigandine Gauntlets PatternBrigandine Gauntlets Pattern
Elven Mithril GlovesElven Mithril Gloves
Elven Mithril Gloves DesignElven Mithril Gloves Design
Recipe: Artisan's frameRecipe: Artisan's frame
Recipe: BonebreakerRecipe: Bonebreaker
Deluxe Chest Key - Grade 4Deluxe Chest Key - Grade 4
Manticore Skin ShirtManticore Skin Shirt
Manticore Skin Shirt TextureManticore Skin Shirt Texture
Manticore Skin GaitersManticore Skin Gaiters
Manticore Skin Gaiters PatternManticore Skin Gaiters Pattern
Recipe: Mithril GlovesRecipe: Mithril Gloves
Recipe: Ghost StaffRecipe: Ghost Staff
Strengthened Long BowStrengthened Long Bow
Strengthened Long Bow ShaftStrengthened Long Bow Shaft
High Grade SuedeHigh Grade Suede
Durable Metal PlateDurable Metal Plate
Recipe: Atuba HammerRecipe: Atuba Hammer
Recipe: GlaiveRecipe: Glaive
Recipe: Sage's RagRecipe: Sage's Rag
Bone ArrowBone Arrow
Kite ShieldKite Shield
Kite Shield FragmentKite Shield Fragment
Brigandine ShieldBrigandine Shield
Brigandine Shield FragmentBrigandine Shield Fragment
Brigandine HelmetBrigandine Helmet
Brigandine Helmet DesignBrigandine Helmet Design
Iron OreIron Ore
Recipe: Plate ShieldRecipe: Plate Shield
Recipe: Elven Long SwordRecipe: Elven Long Sword
Sword of RevolutionSword of Revolution
Sword of Revolution BladeSword of Revolution Blade
Recipe: Plate GaitersRecipe: Plate Gaiters
Spiked ClubSpiked Club
Spiked Club HeadSpiked Club Head
Staff of MagicStaff of Magic
Adamantite NuggetAdamantite Nugget
Recipe: Brigandine TunicRecipe: Brigandine Tunic
Recipe: Elven RingRecipe: Elven Ring
Oriharukon OreOriharukon Ore
Recipe: Omen Beast's Eye EarringRecipe: Omen Beast's Eye Earring
Moonstone EarringMoonstone Earring
Aquastone RingAquastone Ring
Aquastone NecklaceAquastone Necklace
Moonstone Earring WireMoonstone Earring Wire
Aquastone Ring WireAquastone Ring Wire
Aquastone Necklace ChainAquastone Necklace Chain
Big HammerBig Hammer
Battle AxeBattle Axe
Silver AxeSilver Axe
Skull GraverSkull Graver
Heavy Doom HammerHeavy Doom Hammer
Crystal StaffCrystal Staff
Stick of FaithStick of Faith
Heavy Doom AxeHeavy Doom Axe
Big Hammer HeadBig Hammer Head
Battle Axe HeadBattle Axe Head
Silver Axe HeadSilver Axe Head
Skull Graver HeadSkull Graver Head
Heavy Doom Hammer HeadHeavy Doom Hammer Head
Crystal Staff HeadCrystal Staff Head
Stick of Faith ShaftStick of Faith Shaft
Heavy Doom Axe BladeHeavy Doom Axe Blade
Greater Dye of CON <Con+2 Str-2>Greater Dye of CON <Con+2 Str-2>
Greater Dye of CON <Con+2 Dex-2>Greater Dye of CON <Con+2 Dex-2>
Greater Dye of DEX <Dex+2 Str-2>Greater Dye of DEX <Dex+2 Str-2>
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade C)Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade C)
Chain HoodChain Hood
Chain ShieldChain Shield
Eldarake TemperEldarake Temper
Chain Hood PatternChain Hood Pattern
Chain Shield FragmentChain Shield Fragment
Crystallized Ice BowCrystallized Ice Bow
Crystallized Ice Bow ShaftCrystallized Ice Bow Shaft
Greater Dye of MEN <Men+2 Int-2>Greater Dye of MEN <Men+2 Int-2>
Greater Dye of MEN <Men+2 Wit-2>Greater Dye of MEN <Men+2 Wit-2>
Greater Dye of WIT <Wit+2 Int-2>Greater Dye of WIT <Wit+2 Int-2>
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade C)Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade C)