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Ruins of Agony

Location Facts
  • Level: 15 - 25
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade D)Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade D)
Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade D)Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade D)
Leather ShoesLeather Shoes
Ruin Zombie Lvl. 15
Leather Shoes TextureLeather Shoes Texture
Ruin Zombie Lvl. 15
Ruin Zombie Lvl. 15
Ruin Zombie Lvl. 15, Ruin Zombie Leader Lvl. 16, Raging Spartoi Lvl. 22, Treasure Chest Lvl. 24
Ruin Zombie Lvl. 15, Ruin Zombie Leader Lvl. 16, Raging Spartoi Lvl. 22, Treasure Chest Lvl. 24
Recipe: Short SpearRecipe: Short Spear
Ruin Zombie Lvl. 15
Short SpearShort Spear
Short Spear EdgeShort Spear Edge
Recipe: Steel MoldRecipe: Steel Mold
Recipe: Greater Soulshot (D) Compressed Package (100%)Recipe: Greater Soulshot (D) Compressed Package (100%)
Low BootsLow Boots
Leather GlovesLeather Gloves
Leather Gloves LiningLeather Gloves Lining
Silver NuggetSilver Nugget
Recipe: CordRecipe: Cord
Tears of EvaTears of Eva
Relic of The SaintsRelic of The Saints
Animal SkinAnimal Skin
Animal BoneAnimal Bone
Recipe: Composition BowRecipe: Composition Bow
Shining KnifeShining Knife
Throwing KnifeThrowing Knife
Recipe: Blue Diamond NecklaceRecipe: Blue Diamond Necklace
Forest BowForest Bow
Forest Bow ShaftForest Bow Shaft
Coarse Bone PowderCoarse Bone Powder
Ruin Spartoi Lvl. 21, Treasure Chest Lvl. 21
Boot LiningBoot Lining
Ruin Spartoi Lvl. 21, Treasure Chest Lvl. 21
Ruin Spartoi Lvl. 21, Treasure Chest Lvl. 21
Recipe: Leather BootsRecipe: Leather Boots
Ruin Spartoi Lvl. 21, Treasure Chest Lvl. 24
Iron HammerIron Hammer
Iron Hammer HeadIron Hammer Head
Mage StaffMage Staff
Recipe: Blessed Spiritshot DRecipe: Blessed Spiritshot D
Deluxe Chest Key - Grade 2Deluxe Chest Key - Grade 2
Potion of AlacrityPotion of Alacrity
Sword BreakerSword Breaker
Sword Breaker EdgeSword Breaker Edge
Recipe: Temptation of AbyssRecipe: Temptation of Abyss
Hard Leather ShirtHard Leather Shirt
Hard Leather Shirt PatternHard Leather Shirt Pattern
Hard Leather GaitersHard Leather Gaiters
Hard Leather Gaiters MaterialHard Leather Gaiters Material
Recipe: Crafted Leather GlovesRecipe: Crafted Leather Gloves
Recipe: Greater Spiritshot (D) Compressed Package(100%)Recipe: Greater Spiritshot (D) Compressed Package(100%)
Haste PotionHaste Potion
Iron OreIron Ore
Braided HempBraided Hemp
Recipe: Necklace of DevotionRecipe: Necklace of Devotion
Bone ShieldBone Shield
Hard Leather HelmetHard Leather Helmet
Iron BootsIron Boots
Reinforced Leather BootsReinforced Leather Boots
Boots of KnowledgeBoots of Knowledge
Reinforced Leather GlovesReinforced Leather Gloves
Gloves of KnowledgeGloves of Knowledge
Iron Boots DesignIron Boots Design
Triple-Edged JamadhrTriple-Edged Jamadhr