![Adena](/s/icons-gf/etc_adena_i00.png) | Adena | 70% | 1128 - 2293 |
![Caliburs](/s/icons-gf/weapon_caliburs_i00.png) | Caliburs | 0.0009554% | 1 |
![Caliburs Edge](/s/icons-gf/etc_sword_body_i00.png) | Caliburs Edge | 0.08601% | 1 |
![Sword of Delusion](/s/icons-gf/weapon_sword_of_delusion_i00.png) | Sword of Delusion | 0.0009554% | 1 |
![Delusional Blade](/s/icons-gf/etc_sword_body_i00.png) | Delusional Blade | 0.08601% | 1 |
![Tsurugi](/s/icons-gf/weapon_tsurugi_i00.png) | Tsurugi | 0.0009554% | 1 |
![Tsurugi Blade](/s/icons-gf/etc_sword_body_i00.png) | Tsurugi Blade | 0.08601% | 1 |
![Homunkulus's Sword](/s/icons-gf/weapon_homunkuluss_sword_i00.png) | Homunkulus's Sword | 0.0009554% | 1 |
![Homunkulus's Sword Blade](/s/icons-gf/etc_sword_body_i00.png) | Homunkulus's Sword Blade | 0.08601% | 1 |
![Sword of Nightmare](/s/icons-gf/weapon_sword_of_nightmare_i00.png) | Sword of Nightmare | 0.0009554% | 1 |
![Sword of Nightmare Blade](/s/icons-gf/etc_sword_body_i00.png) | Sword of Nightmare Blade | 0.08601% | 1 |
![Sword of Whispering Death](/s/icons-gf/weapon_deathbreath_sword_i00.png) | Sword of Whispering Death | 0.0009554% | 1 |
![Sword of Whispering Death Blade](/s/icons-gf/etc_sword_body_i00.png) | Sword of Whispering Death Blade | 0.08601% | 1 |
![Iron Ore](/s/icons-gf/etc_lump_gray_i00.png) | Iron Ore | 17.22% | 1 |
![Stem](/s/icons-gf/etc_branch_gold_i00.png) | Stem | 17.22% | 1 - 3 |
![Steel](/s/icons-gf/etc_lump_black_i00.png) | Steel | 1.722% | 1 |
![Durable Metal Plate](/s/icons-gf/etc_squares_wood_i00.png) | Durable Metal Plate | 0.2296% | 1 |
![Asofe](/s/icons-gf/etc_gem_blue_i00.png) | Asofe | 0.574% | 1 |
![Recipe: Necklace of Binding](/s/icons-gf/etc_recipe_yellow_i00.png) | Recipe: Necklace of Binding | 0.3047% | 1 |
![Recipe: Drake Leather Armor](/s/icons-gf/etc_recipe_yellow_i00.png) | Recipe: Drake Leather Armor | 0.09897% | 1 |
![Life Stone: level 52](/s/icons-gf/etc_mineral_general_i01.png) | Life Stone: level 52 | 0.4783% | 1 |
![Mid-Grade Life Stone: level 52](/s/icons-gf/etc_mineral_special_i01.png) | Mid-Grade Life Stone: level 52 | 0.1196% | 1 |
![High-Grade Life Stone: level 52](/s/icons-gf/etc_mineral_rare_i01.png) | High-Grade Life Stone: level 52 | 0.01196% | 1 |
![Top-Grade Life Stone: level 52](/s/icons-gf/etc_mineral_unique_i01.png) | Top-Grade Life Stone: level 52 | 0.002393% | 1 |