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Fruit of the Mothertree

Elves owe their long lifespans to their consumption of the fruit of the Mother Tree. The caretakers of the tree are quite concerned about the recent decline in production of fruit.

Steps from the game client

  1. Fruit of the Mothertree
    Andellia and her sisters care for the Mother Trees. You received a letter informing you that the Mother Tree near Iris Lake, maintained by their younger sister Thalia, has borne fruit. Since Andellia and her sisters cannot leave the Mother Trees untended, they ask you to visit Thalia and bring back the fruit of the Mother Tree.
  2. The One and Only Fruit
    Thalia gives you the fruit of the Mother Tree that was harvested some time ago. This was the only fruit she harvested this year. She asks you to carefully take it to her sister Andellia.
Quest Facts
  • Quest ID: 161
  • Repeat: No
  • Location:
  • Start NPC:
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