Find Glittering Jewelry
Leikar asks you to go to Ellie and get the gem from her, but Ellie says that she didn't finish because her delivery didn't arrive.
- Note. To do the this quest, you need aSignet Ring .
- Talk to Jeweler Ellie (Giran).
- Talk to Wharf Manager Felton.
- Kill Alligator to collectRough Jewel x10.
- Talk to Jeweler Ellie.
By l2hub - BringOriharukon x5,Silver Nugget x500 andThons x150 to Jeweler Ellie, and get reward: -Jewel Box
By l2hub
Steps from the game client
- Go to FeltonEllie says the ore that she ordered haven't arrived and asks you to visit Felton and find out when her order will arrive.
- Sail for Alligator BeachFelton suggests you go to Alligator Beach to get the ore by hunting Alligators. Bring back 10 ore.Items:Rough Jewel x10
- Return to EllieYou've got 10 ore. Return to Ellie and ask her to make them into gems.
- Ingredients to Cut GemsEllie says she needs more materials and asks you to bring her 5 oriharukon, 500 units of silver and 150 thons.
Quest Facts
- Quest ID: 35
- Level: 60
- Repeat: No
- Location: Town of Giran
- Start NPC:
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