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Clean up the Swamp of Screams

Pierce, captain of the Golden Ram Mercenary Force has assigned the task of driving out stakatos to you. You must go to the Swamp of Screams to carry out this mission...

Steps from the game client

  1. Slaughter the stakatos!
    Pierce, captain of the Golden Ram Mercenary Force has assigned you the task of driving out the stakatos. Go to the Swamp of Screams and slay splinter stakatos and needle stakatos. As proof of your success, collect 100 claws of stakatos. When you bring them back to the barracks of the mercenary force, you'll receive a reward. Monsters to Hunt - Splinter Stakatos, Splinter Stakato Workers, Splinter Stakato Soldiers, Splinter Stakato Drones, Needle Stakatos, Needle Stakato Workers, Needle Stakato Soldiers and Needle Stakato Drones
    Icon Item Talon of Stakato
    Talon of Stakato
Quest Facts
  • Quest ID: 629
  • Repeat: No
  • Location:
  • Start NPC:
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