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Into the City of Humans

Centurion Petukai seeks the true meaning of power. The place to go to learn about the history of your defeats is...


  1. Talk to Centurion Petukai (Orc Village).
  2. Talk to Seer Tanapi.
  3. Scrolling gives you the opportunity to move to the Giran once. To return back to the Orc Village, you need to take a . By l2hub

Steps from the game client

  1. Centurion's Inquisition
    Centurion Petukai, in service to Flame Lord Kakai, questions the meaning of strength. He asks you to visit Seer Tanapi and get the answer.
  2. To the City of Humans
    Seer Tanapi tells you to go to the city of Humans, Giran, to find answers to the questions asked by Orcs. Visit Gatekeeper Tamil.
Quest Facts
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