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Dynasty Gaiter

Dynasty Gaiter
Dynasty Gaiters80
Lower Body / Heavy
P Def:141


Dynasty Breastplate - PvP
Increases P. Def./Max. HP/resistance to darkness attribute. Decreases damage received during PvP and has a chance to decrease all the attacker's speeds.
Dynasty Breastplate - PvP
Increases P. Def./Max. HP/effectiveness of HP recovery magic/resistance to shock. Decreases damage received during PvP and has a chance to decrease all the attacker's speeds.
Dynasty Breastplate - PvP
Increases P. Atk./Max. HP/critical rate/resistance to darkness attribute/critical damage. Decreases damage received during PvP and has a chance to decrease all the attacker's speeds.
Dynasty Breastplate - PvP
Increases P. Atk./Max. HP/Resistance to Darkness Attribute, and decreases MP consumption. Decreases damage received during PvP and decreases all the attacker's speeds with a fixed rate.
Dynasty Breastplate - PvP
Increases P. Def./Max. HP/Resistance to Darkness Attribute, and decreases MP consumption when using Song/Dance. Decreases damage received during PvP and decreases all the attacker's speeds with a fixed rate.
Dynasty Platinum Plate - PvP
Increases P. Def./Max. HP/effectiveness of HP recovery magic/resistance to shock. Decreases damage received during PvP and has a chance to decrease all the attacker's speeds.
Dynasty Platinum Plate - PvP
Increases P. Atk./Max. HP/critical rate/resistance to darkness attribute/critical damage. Decreases damage received during PvP and has a chance to decrease all the attacker's speeds.
Dynasty Platinum Plate - PvP
Increases P. Def./Max. HP/resistance to darkness attribute, and decreases MP consumption when using Song/Dance. Decreases damage received during PvP and has a chance to decrease all the attacker's speeds.
Dynasty Platinum Plate - PvP
Increases P. Atk./Max. HP/resistanced to darkness attribute, and decreases MP consumption. Decreases damage received during PvP and has a chance to decrease all the attacker's speeds.
Item Facts
  • Item ID: 9421
  • Base price: 15 248 000
  • Crystal: S80-Grade count: 731
Crystal Price Calc
Item price:
1 Crystal: S80-Grade Price:

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