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Gemstone B

Gemstone B
Gemstone B
Item Facts
  • Item ID: 2132
  • Base price: 10 000
Sage's Ring
Sage's Necklace
Adamantite Earring
Foundation Adamantite Earring
Adamantite Ring
Foundation Adamantite Ring
Adamantite Necklace
Foundation Adamantite Necklace
Earring of Black Ore
Foundation Earring of Black Ore
Ring of Black Ore
Foundation Ring of Black Ore
Necklace of Black Ore
Foundation Necklace of Black Ore
Zubei's Breastplate
Zubei's Gaiters
Foundation Zubei's Gaiters
Implosion Boots
Boots of Silence
Guardian's Boots
Paradia Boots
Elemental Boots
Boots of Grace
Avadon Breastplate
Avadon Gaiters
Foundation Avadon Gaiters
Zubei's Leather Shirt
Zubei's Leather Gaiters
Foundation Zubei's Leather Gaiters
Avadon Leather Armor
Tunic of Zubei
Stockings of Zubei
Foundation Stockings of Zubei
Avadon Robe
Avadon Circlet
Foundation Avadon Circlet
Avadon Gloves
Foundation Sealed Avadon Gloves
Chain Gloves of Silence
Guardian's Gloves
Gloves of Blessing
Doom Shield
Foundation Doom Shield
Blue Wolf Breastplate
Boots of Blessing
Blue Wolf Gaiters
Foundation Blue Wolf Gaiters
Doom Plate Armor
Blue Wolf Leather Armor
Leather Armor of Doom
Blue Wolf Tunic
Tunic of Doom
Blue Wolf Stockings
Foundation Blue Wolf Stockings
Stockings of Doom
Foundation Stockings of Doom
Blue Wolf Helmet
Foundation Blue Wolf Helmet
Doom Helmet
Foundation Doom Helmet
Blue Wolf Boots
Foundation Sealed Blue Wolf Boots
Doom Gloves
Foundation Sealed Doom Gloves
Elemental Gloves
Gloves of Grace
Implosion Gauntlets
Paradia Gloves
Blue Wolf Gloves
Foundation Sealed Blue Wolf Gloves
Zubei's Boots
Foundation Sealed Zubei's Boots
Avadon Boots
Foundation Sealed Avadon Boots
Boots of Doom
Foundation Sealed Boots of Doom
Zubei's Gauntlets
Foundation Sealed Zubei's Gauntlet
Zubei's Shield
Foundation Zubei's Shield
Zubei's Helmet
Foundation Zubei's Helmet
Great Sword
Foundation Great Sword
Heavy War Axe
Foundation Heavy War Axe
Sprite's Staff
Foundation Sprite's Staff
Foundation Keshanberk
Sword of Valhalla
Foundation Sword of Valhalla
Foundation Kris
Hell Knife
Foundation Hell Knife
Arthro Nail
Foundation Arthro Nail
Dark Elven Long Bow
Foundation Dark Elven Long Bow
Great Axe
Sword of Damascus
Foundation Sword of Damascus
Foundation Lance
Deadman's Glory
Foundation Deadman's Glory
Art of Battle Axe
Foundation Art of Battle Axe
Staff of Evil Spirits
Foundation Staff of Evil Spirits
Demon Dagger
Foundation Demon Dagger
Bellion Cestus
Foundation Bellion Cestus
Bow of Peril
Foundation Bow of Peril
Avadon Shield
Foundation Avadon Shield
Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor
Sealed Tallum Leather Armor
Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings
Foundation Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings
Sealed Tallum Tunic
Sealed Dark Crystal Robe
Sealed Tallum Stockings
Foundation Sealed Tallum Stockings
Sealed Dark Crystal Shield
Foundation Sealed Dark Crystal Shield
Sealed Dark Crystal Boots
Foundation Sealed Dark Crystal Boots
Sealed Tallum Boots
Foundation Sealed Tallum Boots
Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves
Foundation Sealed Dark Crystal Gloves
Sealed Tallum Gloves
Foundation Sealed Tallum Gloves
Sealed Dark Crystal breastplate
Sealed Tallum Plate Armor
Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters
Foundation Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters
Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet
Foundation Sealed Dark Crystal Helmet
Sealed Tallum Helmet
Foundation Sealed Tallum Helmet
Meteor Shower
Foundation Meteor Shower
Carnage Bow
Foundation Carnage Bow
Bloody Orchid
Foundation Bloody Orchid
Blood Tornado
Foundation Blood Tornado
Foundation Halberd
Dasparion's Staff
Foundation Dasparion's Staff
Elemental Sword
Foundation Elemental Sword
Tallum Blade
Foundation Tallum Blade
Sealed Phoenix Earring
Foundation Sealed Phoenix Earring
Sealed Phoenix Necklace
Foundation Sealed Phoenix Necklace
Sealed Phoenix Ring
Foundation Sealed Phoenix Ring
Spell Breaker
Foundation Spell Breaker
Ice Storm Hammer
Foundation Ice Storm Hammer
Wizard's Tear
Foundation Wizard's Tear
Kaim Vanul's Bones
Foundation Kaim Vanul's Bones
Star Buster
Foundation Star Buster
Spiritual Eye
Foundation Spiritual Eye
Guardian Sword
Foundation Guardian Sword
Destroyer Hammer
Foundation Destroyer Hammer
Infernal Master
Foundation Infernal Master