| Paradia Staff Head | |
 | Recipe: Drake Leather Gloves | |
 | Greater Healing Potion | |
 | Recipe: Rind Leather Boots | |
 | Mithril Shirt Fabric | |
 | Recipe: Dwarven Chain Mail Shirt | |
 | Recipe: Theca Leather Gloves | |
 | Recipe: Great Helmet | |
 | Earring of Protection Gemstone | |
 | Recipe: War Axe | |
 | Dwarven Warhammer Head | |
 | Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C) | |
 | Crystal Dagger Blade | |
 | Recipe: Maestro Holder (100%) | |
 | Metallic Thread | |
 | Animal Skin | |
 | Greater Dye of STR <Str+3 Con-3> | |