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Gludin Village

Location Facts
  • Level: 70 - 80
Santa's Helper70490Dwarf
Valentine Messenger Queen of Hearts70Elemental
Christmas Tree70490Angel
Huge Pig80Animal
Huge Pig80Animal
Golden Pig80Animal
Alchemist's Chest80Construct
Giant rat80Animal
Giant rat80Animal
Mr. Bashful Giant rat80Animal
Master Auron70Human
Master Celma70Human
Priest Zigaunt70Human
Magister Iris70Human
High Priestess Levian70Human
Trader Arodin70Human
Trader Damion70Human
Trader Colleen70Human
Warehouse Keeper Norman70Dwarf
Grand Master Xenos70Dark Elf
Trader Asha70Human
Trader Nestle70Human
Trader Poesia70Human
Warehouse Freightman Raut70Dwarf
Blacksmith Kluto70Dwarf
Gatekeeper Richlin70Human
Master Baenedes70Elf
Grand Master Ramos70Human
Master Rhodiell70Elf
Priest Adonius70Elf
Magister Nell70Elf
Magister Talbot70Dark Elf
Master Estella70Dark Elf
Captain Bezique80Human
Guard Plink80Human
Guard Alvah80Human
Guard Leikan80Human
Guard Scott80Human
Guard Linus80Human
Guard Weisz80Human
Guard Luis80Human
Sir Klaus Vasper70Human
Abyssal Celebrant Kalinta70Dark Elf
Warehouse Chief Moke70Dwarf
Head Blacksmith Tapoy70Dwarf
High Prefect Osborn70Orc
Prefect Kasman70Orc
Seer Umos70Orc
High Summoner Galatea70Human
Pet Manager Martin70Human
Lottery Ticket Seller70Human
Symbol Maker Marsden70Human
Newbie Guide70Human
Priest of Dawn70Human
Dusk Priestess70Dark Elf
Black Marketeer of Mammon70Dwarf
Preacher of Doom70Undead
Orator of Revelations70Construct
Preacher of Doom70Undead
Orator of Revelations70Construct
Preacher of Doom70Undead
Orator of Revelations70Construct
Preacher of Doom70Undead
Event Gatekeeper70Elemental
Event Manager Buzz the Cat70Elemental
Event Manager Roy the Cat70Elemental
Event Manager Winnie the Cat70Elemental
Event Manager Buzz the Cat70Elemental
Mineral Trader Rogen70Dwarf
Fishing Guild Member Bleaker70Human
Grand Olympiad Manager70Human
Monument of Heroes 70Others
Adventurers' Guide Miss Queen70Elemental
Event Manager Beryl the Cat70Elemental
Adventure Guildsman70Human
Adventure Guildsman70Orc
Adventure Guildsman70Dwarf
Adventure Guildsman70Elf
Adventure Guildsman70Dark Elf
Event Manager70490Human
Event Manager Buzz the Cat70490Elemental
Santa Trainee70490Dwarf
Event Manager Magic Laboratory Worker70Dwarf
Alchemist's Servitor70Others
Grand Master Yeniche70
Master Shubain70
Master Sione70
Event Manager Snow70Humanoid
Event manager Employee of Magic Research Institute70Dwarf
Gatekeeper Welfare Foundation Volunteer70Human
Dimensional Merchant70Human
Inspector Adler70Elf
Mountain Ascetic Master Yogi70Humanoid
Energy Recovery Event Master Dugi1Humanoid
Event manager Employee of Magic Research Institute1Dwarf
Gludio Manor Manager70Human
Clan Hall Manager Bremmer70Human
Clan Hall Gatekeeper Faolan70Human
Clan Hall Manager Kalis70Human
Clan Hall Gatekeeper Kogan70Human
Clan Hall Manager Winker70Human
Clan Hall Gatekeeper Merton70Human
Clan Hall Manager Ruben70Human
Clan Hall Gatekeeper Luce70Human
Clan Hall Manager Horner70Human
Clan Hall Gatekeeper Amiel70Human
Gludio Territory Manager70Human