| Iron Canine | 16800 | 20 |
 | Shining Canine | 40800 | 20 |
 | Ghost Canine | 73200 | 20 |
 | Mithril Canine | 120000 | 20 |
 | Sylvan Canine | 192000 | 20 |
 | Orikarukon Canine | 288000 | 20 |
 | Fang of Saltydog | 420000 | 20 |
 | Wolf's Leather Armor | 7344 | 20 |
 | Wolf's Hide Armor | 18720 | 20 |
 | Wolf's Hard Leather Mail | 34080 | 20 |
 | Wolf's Wooden Armor | 57840 | 20 |
 | Wolf's Ring Mail | 92280 | 20 |
 | Wolf's Bone Armor | 140400 | 20 |
 | Wolf's Scale Male | 206400 | 20 |
 | Food For Wolves | 120 | 20 |
 | Viperbite | 372000 | 20 |
 | Shadow Fang | 504000 | 20 |
 | Alya Fang | 684000 | 20 |
 | Torturer | 912000 | 20 |
 | Serpentine Grinder | 2760000 | 20 |
 | Fang of Dahak | 4080000 | 20 |
 | Hatchling's Scale Mail | 206400 | 20 |
 | Hatchling's Brigandine | 271200 | 20 |
 | Hatchling's Bronze Coat | 349200 | 20 |
 | Hatchling's Steel Coat | 446400 | 20 |
 | Hatchling's Gorgon Coat | 1436400 | 20 |
 | Hatchling's Ophidian Plate | 2228400 | 20 |
 | Food For Hatchling | 180 | 20 |
 | Serpentine Spike | 1920000 | 20 |
 | Drake Horn | 2760000 | 20 |
 | Assault Alicorn | 4080000 | 20 |
 | Mithril Panzer Coat | 990000 | 20 |
 | Brigadine Panzer Coat | 1436400 | 20 |
 | Draconic Panzer Coat | 2228400 | 20 |
 | Food for Strider | 240 | 20 |
 | Beast Soulshot | 24 | 20 |
 | Beast Spiritshot | 48 | 20 |
 | Blessed Beast Spiritshot | 120 | 20 |
 | Baby Spice | 120 | 20 |
 | Little Harness | 240000 | 20 |
 | Enchanted Wolf Fang | 4411200 | 20 |
 | Enchanted Coyote Fang | 8170800 | 20 |
 | Enchanted Saltydog Fang | 15309600 | 20 |
 | Great Wolf Scale Armor | 2252400 | 20 |
 | Great Wolf Bronze Armor | 4344000 | 20 |
 | Great Wolf Plate Armor | 8551200 | 20 |
 | Great Wolf Food | 1200 | 20 |
 | Beast Soulshot Compressed Pack | 12000 | 20 |
 | Beast Spiritshot Compressed Pack | 24000 | 20 |
 | Blessed Beast Spiritshot Compressed Pack | 60000 | 20 |
 | Improved Baby Pet Food | 1200 | 20 |
 | Baby Pet Scale Armor | 2252400 | 20 |
 | Baby Pet Bronze Armor | 4344000 | 20 |
 | Baby Pet Plate Armor | 8551200 | 20 |
 | Baby Pet Mithril Armor | 15075600 | 20 |
 | Baby Pet Oriharukon Armor | 29083200 | 20 |
 | Baby Pet Orichalcum Armor | 58654800 | 20 |
 | Crystal Pendant | 4637 | 20 |
 | Ruby Pendant | 24217 | 20 |
 | Sapphire Pendant | 76676 | 20 |
 | Diamond Pendant | 188096 | 20 |
 | Enria Pendant | 555401 | 20 |
 | Thons Pendant | 1988376 | 20 |
 | Asofe Pendant | 6198719 | 20 |