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Collector's Dream

Alshupes, an amateur zoologist, has a particular interest in the skins and claws of rare animals. He pays a reward to whoever brings him the legs of the giant mutant spiders that lurk near the village.


  1. Talk to Alshupes.
  2. Give the legs to Alshupes, for
    Icon Item Adena
    and 2000 EXP. By l2hub

Steps from the game client

  1. Collect Spider Legs
    Alshupes, a collector of unusual claws and pelts, is interested in giant spiders. He asks you to bring him eight legs of crimson spiders, hook spiders or pincer spiders.
  2. Return to Alshupes
    You have collected eight legs of giant spiders. Take them to Alshupes to receive your reward.
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