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Серьга Защиты

Серьга Защиты
Серьга Защитыc
Маг. Защ.:42
Вес :150
Краткая информация
  • Item ID: 853
  • Англ. название: Earring of Protection
  • Базовая цена: 150 500
  • Кристалл: C-Ранг count: 60
Калькулятор Кристаллов
Цена предмета:
Цена 1 Кристалл: C-Ранг:
ПредметМаг. Защита.КристаллыШанс
Icon Item Earring of Protection
Earring of Protection
4260 / 0100%
Icon Item Earring of Protection
Earring of Protection
4366 / 0100%
Icon Item Earring of Protection
Earring of Protection
4472 / 0100%
Icon Item Earring of Protection
Earring of Protection
4578 / 0100%
Icon Item Earring of Protection
Earring of Protection
4896 / 6666.67%
Icon Item Earring of Protection
Earring of Protection
51114 / 8433.33%
Icon Item Earring of Protection
Earring of Protection
54132 / 10225%
Icon Item Earring of Protection
Earring of Protection
57150 / 12020%
Icon Item Earring of Protection
Earring of Protection
60168 / 13816.67%
Icon Item Earring of Protection
Earring of Protection
63186 / 15614.29%
Icon Item Earring of Protection
Earring of Protection
66204 / 17412.5%
Icon Item Earring of Protection
Earring of Protection
69222 / 19211.11%
Icon Item Earring of Protection
Earring of Protection
72240 / 21010%
Icon Item Earring of Protection
Earring of Protection
75258 / 2289.09%
Icon Item Earring of Protection
Earring of Protection
78276 / 2468.33%
Icon Item Earring of Protection
Earring of Protection
81294 / 2647.69%
Icon Item Earring of Protection
Earring of Protection
84312 / 2823.57%
Icon Item Earring of Protection
Earring of Protection
87330 / 3003.33%
Icon Item Earring of Protection
Earring of Protection
90348 / 3183.13%
Icon Item Earring of Protection
Earring of Protection
93366 / 3362.94%
Icon Item Earring of Protection
Earring of Protection
96384 / 3542.78%