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Final Servitor

Final Servitor
Final Servitor
For 5 minutes, causes the servitor to be possessed with the spirit of an ancient hero. Immediately increases Max HP by 20%, accuracy by 4, P. Atk. by 10%, P. Def. by 20%, Atk. Spd. by 20%, critical rate by 20%, critical damage by 20%, M. Def. by 20%, M. Atk. by 20%, Casting Spd. by 20%, and resistance to de-buff attacks by 20. Decreases moving speed by 20%. Consumes 20 Runestones.
Type: Active
Skill Facts
  • Skill ID: 1349
  • Skill Level: 1
  • Type: A2
  • MP Consume: 72
  • HP Consume: 0
Final Servitor
For 5 minutes, causes the servitor to be possessed with the spirit of an ancient hero. Immediately increases Max HP by 20%, accuracy by 4, P. Atk. by 10%, P. Def. by 20%, Atk. Spd. by 20%, critical rate by 20%, critical damage by 20%, M. Def. by 20%, M. Atk. by 20%, Casting Spd. by 20%, and resistance to de-buff attacks by 20. Decreases moving speed by 20%. Consumes 20 Runestones.