Focus Attack
Focus Attack
When using a spear, attacks only one enemy and increases accuracy by 3 and critical attack power by 15%.
Skill Facts
- Skill ID: 317
- Skill Level: 2
- Type: T
- MP Consume: 22
- HP Consume: 0
Name | MP/HP | Lvl | Type | |
Focus Attack When using a spear, attacks only one enemy and increases accuracy by 2 and critical attack power by 10%. | 18/0 | 1 | T | |
Focus Attack When using a spear, attacks only one enemy and increases accuracy by 3 and critical attack power by 15%. | 22/0 | 2 | T | |
Focus Attack When using a spear, attacks only one enemy and increases accuracy by 4 and critical attack power by 20%. | 27/0 | 3 | T | |
Focus Attack When using a spear, attacks only one enemy and increases accuracy by 5 and critical attack power by 25%. | 31/0 | 4 | T | |
Focus Attack When using a spear, attacks only one enemy and increases accuracy by 6 and critical attack power by 30%. | 34/0 | 5 | T |