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Elven Fortress

Location Facts
  • Level: 9 - 50
Dryad Lvl. 13, Crimson Spider Lvl. 15
Necklace of Anguish ChainNecklace of Anguish Chain
Dryad Lvl. 13
Dryad Elder Lvl. 14
Leather Stocking PatternLeather Stocking Pattern
Dryad Elder Lvl. 14
Recipe: Steel MoldRecipe: Steel Mold
Shade Horror Lvl. 17
Leather Helmet DesignLeather Helmet Design
Shade Horror Lvl. 17, Hook Spider Lvl. 16
Silver NuggetSilver Nugget
Lirein Lvl. 18
Recipe: BootsRecipe: Boots
Lirein Lvl. 18, Sukar Wererat Lvl. 18
Recipe: High Grade SuedeRecipe: High Grade Suede
Lirein Elder Lvl. 19
Recipe: Varnish of PurityRecipe: Varnish of Purity
Lirein Elder Lvl. 19
Iron OreIron Ore
Low BootsLow Boots
Hook Spider Lvl. 16, Pincer Spider Lvl. 17
Tome of Blood PageTome of Blood Page
Recipe: Hard Leather GaitersRecipe: Hard Leather Gaiters
Dark Terror Lvl. 16
Leather Gloves LiningLeather Gloves Lining
Dark Terror Lvl. 16
Recipe: Hard Leather ShirtRecipe: Hard Leather Shirt
Potion of AlacrityPotion of Alacrity
Earring of StrengthEarring of Strength
Mist Terror Lvl. 15
Recipe: Sword of ReflectionRecipe: Sword of Reflection
Brandish BladeBrandish Blade
Leather StockingsLeather Stockings
Necklace of Wisdom ChainNecklace of Wisdom Chain
Recipe: Leather StockingsRecipe: Leather Stockings
Feriotic TunicFeriotic Tunic
Animal SkinAnimal Skin
Scroll of EscapeScroll of Escape
Wooden BreastplateWooden Breastplate
Lesser Healing PotionLesser Healing Potion
Crude Leather ShoesCrude Leather Shoes