![Recipe: Steel Mold](/s/icons-gf/etc_recipe_white_i00.png) | Recipe: Steel Mold | |
![Leather Helmet Design](/s/icons-gf/etc_pouch_brown_i00.png) | Leather Helmet Design | |
![Leather Gloves Lining](/s/icons-gf/etc_leather_gray_i00.png) | Leather Gloves Lining | |
![Recipe: Boots](/s/icons-gf/etc_recipe_white_i00.png) | Recipe: Boots | |
![Recipe: High Grade Suede](/s/icons-gf/etc_recipe_white_i00.png) | Recipe: High Grade Suede | |
![Sword of Reflection Blade](/s/icons-gf/etc_sword_body_i00.png) | Sword of Reflection Blade | |
![Iron Ore](/s/icons-gf/etc_lump_gray_i00.png) | Iron Ore | |
![Low Boots](/s/icons-gf/armor_t32_b_i00.png) | Low Boots | |
![Recipe: Hard Leather Gaiters](/s/icons-gf/etc_recipe_white_i00.png) | Recipe: Hard Leather Gaiters | |
![Metal Hardener](/s/icons-gf/etc_plate_blue_i00.png) | Metal Hardener | |
![Recipe: Hard Leather Shirt](/s/icons-gf/etc_recipe_white_i00.png) | Recipe: Hard Leather Shirt | |
![Potion of Alacrity](/s/icons-gf/etc_reagent_green_i00.png) | Potion of Alacrity | |
![Necklace of Wisdom Chain](/s/icons-gf/etc_jewel_box_i00.png) | Necklace of Wisdom Chain | |
![Earring of Strength](/s/icons-gf/accessary_earing_of_strength_i00.png) | Earring of Strength | |
![Necklace of Anguish Chain](/s/icons-gf/etc_jewel_box_i00.png) | Necklace of Anguish Chain | |
![Coal](/s/icons-gf/etc_coal_i00.png) | Coal | |
![Stem](/s/icons-gf/etc_branch_gold_i00.png) | Stem | |
![Recipe: Sword of Reflection](/s/icons-gf/etc_recipe_white_i00.png) | Recipe: Sword of Reflection | |
![Charcoal](/s/icons-gf/etc_charcoal_i00.png) | Charcoal | |
![Brandish Blade](/s/icons-gf/etc_sword_body_i00.png) | Brandish Blade | |
![Leather Shoes Texture](/s/icons-gf/etc_leather_yellow_i00.png) | Leather Shoes Texture | |
![Recipe: Leather Gloves](/s/icons-gf/etc_recipe_white_i00.png) | Recipe: Leather Gloves | |
![Leather Stockings](/s/icons-gf/armor_t05_l_i00.png) | Leather Stockings | |
![Oriharukon Ore](/s/icons-gf/etc_oriharukon_ore_i00.png) | Oriharukon Ore | |
![Recipe: Short Spear](/s/icons-gf/etc_recipe_white_i00.png) | Recipe: Short Spear | |