| Adena | Vuku Orc Archer Lvl. 15, Vuku Orc Fighter Lvl. 17, Pincher Lvl. 16, Pinrul Lvl. 17, Lirein Lvl. 18, Poison Spider Lvl. 18, Scavenger Wererat Lvl. 18, Arachnid Tracker Lvl. 19, Lirein Elder Lvl. 19, Lycanthrope Lvl. 20, Ratman Hunter Lvl. 18, Ratman Spy Lvl. 16, Moonstone Beast Lvl. 17, Red Scavenger Spider Lvl. 16, Scavenger Spider Lvl. 15, Ol Mahum Deserter Lvl. 23 |
| Hunting Bow | |
| Stem | |
| Suede | |
| Recipe: Leather Helmet | |
| Wooden Arrow | |
| Long Sword | |
| Sword of Reflection | |
| Sword of Reflection Blade | |
| Sword of Watershadow | |
| Animal Skin | |
| Coal | |
| Scroll of Escape | |
| Cat's Eye Earring | |
| Ring of Wisdom | |
| Necklace of Wisdom | |
| Necklace of Wisdom Chain | |
| Thread | |
| Recipe: Blue Diamond Necklace | |
| Bone Breastplate | |
| Bone Gaiters | |
| Cotton Shirt | |
| Cotton Pants | |
| Charcoal | |
| Haste Potion | |
| Varnish | |
| Iron Ore | |
| Silver Nugget | |
| Steel | |
| Recipe: Hard Leather Shirt | |
| Recipe: Boots | |
| Skeleton Buckler | |
| Leather Helmet | |
| Leather Helmet Design | |
| Round Shield | |
| Animal Bone | |
| Coarse Bone Powder | |
| Recipe: Iron Hammer | |
| Potion of Alacrity | |
| Cestus | |
| Lesser Healing Potion | |
| Tears of Eva | |
| Relic of The Saints | |
| Leather | |
| Cokes | |
| Recipe: Hard Leather Gaiters | |
| Tunic of Devotion | |
| Stockings of Devotion | |
| Recipe: Steel Mold | |
| Shining Knife | |
| Throwing Knife | |
| Hand Axe | |
| Scalpel | |
| Bone Staff | |
| Bone Shield | |
| Hard Leather Helmet | |
| Recipe: Conjuror's Staff | |