HUDAbout Us

Neutral Zone

Location Facts
  • Level: 14 - 20
Vuku Orc Lvl. 14, Vuku Orc Archer Lvl. 15, Shadow Beast Lvl. 15, Pincher Lvl. 16, Pinrul Lvl. 17, Scavenger Wererat Lvl. 18, Arachnid Tracker Lvl. 19, Lycanthrope Lvl. 20, Ratman Spy Lvl. 16, Moonstone Beast Lvl. 17, Red Scavenger Spider Lvl. 16, Scavenger Spider Lvl. 15
Fist of ButcherFist of Butcher
Vuku Orc Lvl. 14
Fox Claw GlovesFox Claw Gloves
Vuku Orc Lvl. 14
Vuku Orc Lvl. 14, Scavenger Wererat Lvl. 18, Arachnid Tracker Lvl. 19
Vuku Orc Lvl. 14
Scroll of EscapeScroll of Escape
Vuku Orc Lvl. 14
Hunting BowHunting Bow
Animal SkinAnimal Skin
Vuku Orc Archer Lvl. 15, Lycanthrope Lvl. 20, Ratman Spy Lvl. 16, Red Scavenger Spider Lvl. 16, Scavenger Spider Lvl. 15
Animal BoneAnimal Bone
Vuku Orc Archer Lvl. 15, Lycanthrope Lvl. 20, Ratman Spy Lvl. 16, Red Scavenger Spider Lvl. 16, Scavenger Spider Lvl. 15
Recipe: Leather GlovesRecipe: Leather Gloves
Leather TunicLeather Tunic
Shadow Beast Lvl. 15
Leather Tunic PatternLeather Tunic Pattern
Shadow Beast Lvl. 15
Leather StockingsLeather Stockings
Shadow Beast Lvl. 15
Leather Stocking PatternLeather Stocking Pattern
Shadow Beast Lvl. 15
Silver NuggetSilver Nugget
Recipe: Necklace of WisdomRecipe: Necklace of Wisdom
Shadow Beast Lvl. 15
Potion of AlacrityPotion of Alacrity
Cat's Eye EarringCat's Eye Earring
Pincher Lvl. 16
Necklace of WisdomNecklace of Wisdom
Pincher Lvl. 16
Necklace of Wisdom ChainNecklace of Wisdom Chain
Pincher Lvl. 16
Ring of WisdomRing of Wisdom
Pincher Lvl. 16
Iron OreIron Ore
Pincher Lvl. 16
Pincher Lvl. 16, Scavenger Wererat Lvl. 18, Arachnid Tracker Lvl. 19
Recipe: CordRecipe: Cord
Pincher Lvl. 16
Bone BreastplateBone Breastplate
Pinrul Lvl. 17
Cotton ShirtCotton Shirt
Pinrul Lvl. 17
Bone GaitersBone Gaiters
Pinrul Lvl. 17
Cotton PantsCotton Pants
Pinrul Lvl. 17
Pinrul Lvl. 17
Pinrul Lvl. 17, Scavenger Wererat Lvl. 18, Arachnid Tracker Lvl. 19
Recipe: Silver MoldRecipe: Silver Mold
Pinrul Lvl. 17
Skeleton BucklerSkeleton Buckler
Scavenger Wererat Lvl. 18, Ratman Spy Lvl. 16
Round ShieldRound Shield
Scavenger Wererat Lvl. 18, Ratman Spy Lvl. 16
Leather HelmetLeather Helmet
Scavenger Wererat Lvl. 18, Ratman Spy Lvl. 16
Leather Helmet DesignLeather Helmet Design
Scavenger Wererat Lvl. 18, Ratman Spy Lvl. 16
Recipe: BootsRecipe: Boots
Long SwordLong Sword
Sword of ReflectionSword of Reflection
Sword of Reflection BladeSword of Reflection Blade
Sword of WatershadowSword of Watershadow
Recipe: Synthesis CokesRecipe: Synthesis Cokes
Arachnid Tracker Lvl. 19, Lycanthrope Lvl. 20
Recipe: Spiritshot (D) Compressed Package (100%)Recipe: Spiritshot (D) Compressed Package (100%)
Arachnid Tracker Lvl. 19, Lycanthrope Lvl. 20
Lycanthrope Lvl. 20
Coarse Bone PowderCoarse Bone Powder
Lycanthrope Lvl. 20
Recipe: Hard Leather ShirtRecipe: Hard Leather Shirt
Ratman Spy Lvl. 16
Recipe: Greater Spiritshot (D) Compressed Package(100%)Recipe: Greater Spiritshot (D) Compressed Package(100%)
Ratman Spy Lvl. 16
Tunic of DevotionTunic of Devotion
Stockings of DevotionStockings of Devotion
Shining KnifeShining Knife
Throwing KnifeThrowing Knife
Recipe: Iron HammerRecipe: Iron Hammer
Cedar StaffCedar Staff
Cedar Staff HeadCedar Staff Head
Dwarven MaceDwarven Mace
Recipe: Sword of ReflectionRecipe: Sword of Reflection